i am still living with your ghost

Jan 12, 2010 16:40

I could tell you the long, torturous story of how UPS dicked me around, but in the end, I got my box of stuff, which is all that really matters.

Also, I have ramekins! (Not in the same box of stuff) Admittedly, they are not the gorgeous Le Creuset ramekins I yearn for (tragically), but they are the cheap 8 for $10 ramekins that were on sale. No matter. I will have to make something to put in them now.



+ Chuck = ♥ "You owe me 15 American cents." HOW AWESOME IS CAPTAIN AWESOME? And how happy are we that he is not dead? SO HAPPY! I can't even really get angry with the NBC promo dept for completely blowing the cliffhanger, because CAPTAIN AWESOME IS NOT DEAD! YAY!

+ Big Bang Theory = ♥ HULK SAD! Sheldon and the signed by Stan Lee HULK HANDS was absolutely AMAZING. And his recitation of the Green Lantern Oath! *hearts* Howard made it to eighth base with Bernadette! RAJ HOOKED UP WITH WINNIE COOPER! GO RAJ! Also, the scene of them playing Rock Band was hilarious. That should happen more often. I am not going to complain about how I don't understand why Leonard couldn't just accept that Penny believes in something he doesn't - that's the sort of thing you compromise on in relationships - but I would have paid good internet money to see him at the psychic's.

Speaking of "Big Bang Theory," two links: Mo Ryan interviews Johnny Galecki, and Linda Holmes talks about de-gazing Penny (thanks to teand for that latter link), i.e., how making Penny a real, three-dimensional character instead of a hot chick with a cartoon voice made the show much, much better. I still wish Penny got more storylines - we've met the guys' parents, so why not Penny's dad who longs for a son? - but I think they've done pretty well at making her more than just a hot chick the nerds lust after. I also agree with the AV Club guy who wants Bernadette to stick around, and I'd like to see Leslie Winkle (and more nerdy girls!) back.

+ Castle = ♥ I especially enjoyed the bit with Castle and his family at the beginning, and also Ryan and Esposito. I wish they'd stop making Lainie the coroner the sassy black best friend and give her more to do, but I can hope she'll get more fleshing out eventually, just as I hope eventually Ryan and Esposito get their own Zeppo-like episode.

+ Speaking of Ryan and Esposito, or Jon Huertas, anyway, have all y'all seen these awesome posts which recast Marvel superheroes (and yeah, they are pretty much all Marvel atm) with actors of color:

handyhunter starts it off, and bossymarmalade and liviapenn make their own suggestions.

Me, I am still stuck on the AWESOME that would be ANDRE BRAUGHER as Professor X. And Jon Huertas as either Wolverine or Daredevil. Dule Hill as Reed Richards! John Cho as Tony Stark! Indira Varma as Jean Grey! There is even the suggestion of Michelle Rodriguez as a genderflipped Wolverine!

All of this is coming out of the rumor that Will Smith might play Captain America.

I am still annoyed that when the Joss Whedon-written version of Wonder Woman (I know - not Marvel) was kicking around, Gina Torres wasn't the first choice to play Diana Prince, because if Gina Torres isn't Wonder Woman, who the hell is?

+ I guess every SPN fan on the internet is weighing in on whether they want a sixth season? *snerk* As I know you're all waiting breathlessly for my opinion, it is a qualified no. If there is a sixth season, and the show continues on as it's now configured, I'll likely give it up. If they wrap up the apocalypse and shed its accoutrements in the season 5 finale, and go back to saving people! hunting things! the family business! with folklore or urban legend inspired monsters, and concentrate on Sam and Dean's relationship, then I would be interested in a season 6. But if they drag out the apocalypse and continue as they are now... let's just say that I've overlooked a lot for SPN. A lot. I knew what I was getting into when I got into it, but it hit a lot of buttons for me ( a lot *g*), and I got seriously emotionally invested.

Unfortunately, the buttons being hit lately are less the good ones and more the ragey ones - I am getting less pleasure out of the show than I used to (let's not even touch the fandom, which...yeah, no), and while Sam and Dean still kind of own my writing brain, I'm less willing to cut the show the slack it clearly needs when I'm not getting what I want in return.

I want to see how this season ends, but I don't really want anything after that, if it's going to be all mytharc without much brotherly stuff. (I also don't know that I think the show's writers could handle a post-apocalyptic world in which the apocalypse is not prevented, if they go in that direction, though that might be of more interest to me than just dragging the whole battle out for another season, which I'm afraid they might do, despite whatever Kripke's said to the contrary. Showrunners lie! It's rule number one! Some lie 'cause they have to, some lie 'cause they think they have to, and some lie for the sheer damn joy of it!1 and sometimes they don't even know they're lying until later, but they all lie!)

It's not that I haven't wanted the show to widen, deepen, and broaden its horizons and its cast - it's that they keep killing off the secondary and tertiary characters I really like (and who served that function admirably in most cases, despite the writers often not knowing how to take advantage of the stuff they brought to the story), and keeping the one I really can't fucking stand.

So I guess that's the state of me and SPN. Though I did post a story yesterday. *snerk*

Night for many miles, and then
Supernatural; Sam and Dean; pg; spoilers through 5.10; 1,425 words
The way it's night for many miles, and then suddenly / it's not, it's breakfast

The title and summary come from "Meanwhile" by Richard Siken, and it kind of amuses me that I didn't think I remembered the conclusion to the line, but clearly I did, because the story was written before I looked up the poem to pick that as the summary (the original summary was Even alien babies come with hats, which - wouldn't you read that story? I would totally read that story), but the title was the first thing I had. The phrase 'night for many miles, and then...' was in my head all morning, and finally I realized it needed to be the title of a story, and writing happened.

I like how it turned out, though it is a little more oblique than I'd originally planned, and I really appreciate comments its gotten. Thank you.

1Thank you, Meldrick Lewis.


This entry at DW: http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/118055.html.
people have commented there.

tv: chuck, tv: big bang theory, all shall love me and despair, tv: castle, links, just a typical prototype, tv: supernatural: meta, the boy/boy melodrama

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