i had sex with your wife

Dec 17, 2009 22:22

Friday Night Lights

VINCE! ♥ I am SO WORRIED about him and Luke, which I would not have expected at the beginning of this season, but wow, I really want them both to get the hell out of Dillon. I want Coach to put Vince in touch with Smash for some mentoring. And Luke with Jason Street (though Luke's injury is not nearly as serious). When Vince showed up at the door with his brown paper bag, I cried. He trusts Coach and he needs Coach to trust him. But I am so worried about how things are going to play out for him! I don't want him to have a sad ending! I also cried when his mom came to see Coach. Sigh.

Riggins! Being responsible! How long will that last? Please let it be for more than two episodes! And was that his dream ranch land? Texas forever, Riggs, but you don't have Six to fund your dreams now. Please don't let Billy get involved in making Riggins Riggs a chop shop with Angry Necklace Guy. Please? And I LOVED that Tim told Becky the truth about her dad's other family, and that they show didn't forget how Tim's dad screwed him over either. Him beating up Becky's dad was clearly him metaphorically beating up his own dad. And him and Skeeter in the truck! Adorkable! ♥ "You don't care about your daughter." "Oh, and I had sex with your wife." RIGGINS! ♥

Tanker (?) helping Luke out was awesome. I kind of did expect the whole team to show up, but I'm glad the show took the less corny, more realistic route.

I also cried when Julie broke down at the quiz bowl. I love Matt, and I understand that he kind of needs a clean break, but not letting Julie know he was all right is kind of a dick move. I really hope that one day after college they'll run into each other and sparks will fly and they will get together. Sigh.

I'm glad htey clarified the Landry/Tyra situation. I know I'm in the minority, but I never dug that ship. I love Tyra and really hope Adrianne Palicki can make it back for an appearance in season 5, but I really want the Landry/Tyra thing in the rearview. That's the one casualty for me of the stupid murder plot - I really can't stand that ship.

How awesome is Tami Taylor? She might be the most awesome person on television at the moment. "It can't happen again. That's all." I mean, since they introduced this guy as helping her out in season 2 while Coach was in Austin, I figured it was heading in this direction, but then they dropped it last season, so I thought they'd forgotten. Nice to see it come around again, and how deftly Tami handled it. Is there nothing she can't do? ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

It amuses me that this show gets away with things that are the staples of badfic, and it manages to pull them off - karaoke (with requisite attempt at romance); Julie's sitting in the car listening to the CD Matt made her and crying (the internet tells me that was "Fire" by Augustana - can anyone share?); the stripper shower/fundraiser, etc.

I love this show so so much. I can't believe that it consistently gets shut out of awards, because it is pretty consistently (early season 2 aside) head and shoulders above most other shows on television. Sigh.


I came home from work tonight and took a nap. I haven't done that in ages (I mean, okay, a few nights ago I fell asleep on the couch, but that wasn't planned - this was planned). I also ordered in, something I don't do very often anymore either. I got my period this morning and it's freaking freezing out. I felt I deserved both.

Also, my new comforter arrived. I haven't had a new one in ages. I still love my old (fifteen-years-old) black comforter with the lilies on it, but I needed something new and this one is pretty. Hopefully it's warm, too. I'm not going to put it on the bed till my period's over, though, just to be safe.


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tv: friday night lights, i am okay with that!

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