it's like trying to fight gravity

Dec 17, 2009 10:28

various. and also sundry:

= 850 words on my yuletide. I am getting there, I think. I hope. *meep*

= I have Google wave invites (I never log in, because it seems pointless and counterintuitive to me, but whatever), DW invites, and those LJ holiday coupons if anyone wants them.

= I posted two ficlets in the past two days:

Sometime Around Midnight
Dark Angel; Max/Alec; pg; 310 words
Since he can't get drunk, there's only one way to forget.

I look at the world and I notice it's turning
Harry Potter; Remus/Sirius; pg; 650 words
"I needed to hear this song." (sequel to The Love There That's Sleeping)

They were the only complete results from my foray into the ten songs/ten ficlets thing this time around, though I started a couple others that might get written once yuletide is done.

= Is it me or is delicious really flaky lately? Half the time I click on something and I get the "experiencing technical difficulties" message.

= I am attempting to put together some top 10 lists for the decade and while I think I can sort of do favorite characters (way more than ten *snerk*), favorite episodes is frustrating me, partly because my memory is pretty crappy, and partly because I can only think of WW and BSG episodes, and also because I waffle about whether to include "The Body" or OMWF. Though I have to say, I think best episode title of the decade has to go to "Dim Sum, Lose Some," but only because I am ridiculously fond of bad puns.

It is a puzzlement.


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