they're fictional characters

Nov 12, 2009 22:37



Though I don't really buy what he's selling to Booth at the end there.

I enjoyed Gordon and Sweets working together, and how Booth went right to Sweets, and how much Brennan notices about Booth. ♥


Supernatural: The Real Ghostbusters

I meant to buy a bottle of wine on my way home in order to watch this episode, because I knew the premise - have known for a while.

I actually enjoyed the ghost story, but there are a couple of things that really irritated me:

1. they know their audience and they know who attends SPN cons. Why were there so many guys in the audience? I buy that if it were specifically a con for LARPers, that the men would probably outnumber the women, but it wasn't. And anyway, why couldn't the pair of LARPers who helped be women? even though, at the end, we do see a pair of women dressed as Sam and Dean talking to the cops (well, there was a woman with long blonde hair, so possibly she was Jo, but the woman with her had short hair and a brown leather jacket on, so...), so they could have done it. (and it was nice to see some fans of color in the audience, but again, couldn't one of the black guys been the heroic Sam or Dean? it's that default assumption of white and male that really chaps my ass) but of course Kripke wrote this episode, so the heroes could only be men. Women don't want to be heroes, in Kripke's world. They can't hack it.

I mean, I love that Barnes and Demian *gag* (sorry, I am not over Demian's use of ethnic slurs in his Sin City recap and haven't been to TWOP since) are boyfriends, and that they are inspired to be heroes by Sam and Dean, but that doesn't make up for the fact that the heroic fans are white guys, and the shrieky inappropriate boundary-crossing fan is a woman.

2. Becky is unbearable, though I did like her coming up with the real info about the Colt (even though it josses something in the wip I'm working on. Sigh.), and I am still pissed about the show's treatment of Bela, who deserved WAY BETTER, but overall, just ugh. (I did appreciate how gracious Sam was with her at the end.)

And I was so pleased when the typical SPN pattern of evil women and innocent lost little boys was inverted when Letitia Gore turned out to be protecting people from the little boy ghosts, but then they lost most of my goodwill by indicating yet again that I'm not the sort of fan Kripke wants his show to have.

From another show, I probably would have not been so annoyed, but this has certainly been a pattern for SPN.

On the plus side, no Castiel.

Also, I loved that the LARPers were mocking the stupid and terrible Batman voice Jensen has been affecting the past couple of seasons far more often than is necessary. It's so ridiculous (and it's even worse when he's in a scene with Castiel because they sound so DUMB) and it was nice to see them taking the piss. Hopefully Jensen will stop it with using that voice so often - it's only effective in small doses, not for every freaking line.

On the other hand, Dean of all people should be aware that when little boys lose their mothers, they're not exactly grateful.

I feel like this was a hugely self-aggrandizing episode for Kripke, and that leaves a bad taste in my mouth, despite how much I did like the way Sam and Dean were in sync (are we going to get back to their issues any time soon?) and how their relationship is the kind of deep and abiding love that a lot of people don't have.

hit enter too soon, if you saw this post while it was still incomplete.

On the promo for next week: Is Dean kissing the wrong Harvelle? This depresses me. I mean, I like Jo a lot, but I don't think she has any chemistry with Dean. Why can't we get some Dean/Ellen in canon? Why does Kripke not love the MILF action? Because you know Dean has a subscription of mommy issues to go with his
daddy issues.

On the other hand, BADGER! I mean, CROWLEY! Please let there be some Queen on the soundtrack! Please?


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