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dangomango December 25 2009, 18:32:26 UTC
When the Meredith Grey analogue was lighting into Sam, I was struck by her resemblance to Cindy McClellan, and was hoping maybe Sam would be struck too - this is the thing I need to see Sam feel bad about (aside from choosing Ruby over Dean), this is the decision that should haunt him.

Okay. Could you explain the "Sam chose Ruby over Dean" thing to me? I keep seeing this get said by so many fans and it's driving me crazy. I saw Dean rejecting Sam in S4 just as much as Sam was rejecting Dean, and I think Dean was choosing the angels over Sam just as much as Sam was choosing the demons over Dean, but I'm apparently the only one, which used to fill me with rage but honestly at this point is just baffling me. You're one of the more rational Supernatural fans, so if you honestly feel like Sam was choosing Ruby over Dean and he deserves to feel horrible about it, well....would you mind explaining why you feel that way? Where you're coming from? I know if you had to choose a Winchester you would pick Dean, so....I guess I just want to know where all of these fans are coming from, that they could say SAM CHOSE RUBY OVER DEAN and completely ignore the (obvious to me anyway) reverse in S4.

OR YOU COULD JUST IGNORE ME apparently I feel like blurting my issues all over your journal, sigh.

I don't think we're ever going to see Castiel get called on his shit, because that would imply that somebody other than Sam was responsible for the apocalypse. Sigh.


musesfool December 26 2009, 04:28:10 UTC
Aside from the whole trusting a demon at all thing (and I think you're right - Dean shouldn't have trusted Castiel, and he wasn't open to Sam's needs or attempts to communicate early in the season, so he's as much at fault for their troubles as Sam is, and Ruby was very good at insinuating herself into the emptiness Sam felt, especially after Dean was gone), at least twice in When the Levee Breaks, when Sam said, "Come with me to go kill Lilith," Dean said, "Ditch Ruby and it's a deal, we'll go together" and Sam wouldn't. Sam chose to go with Ruby rather than leave her behind to go forward with Dean. That to me is Sam choosing to trust Ruby rather than choosing to trust Dean.


dangomango December 26 2009, 13:54:28 UTC
Aside from the whole trusting a demon at all thing (and I think you're right - Dean shouldn't have trusted Castiel, and he wasn't open to Sam's needs or attempts to communicate early in the season, so he's as much at fault for their troubles as Sam is, and Ruby was very good at insinuating herself into the emptiness Sam felt, especially after Dean was gone),

YES but also

at least twice in When the Levee Breaks, when Sam said, "Come with me to go kill Lilith," Dean said, "Ditch Ruby and it's a deal, we'll go together" and Sam wouldn't. Sam chose to go with Ruby rather than leave her behind to go forward with Dean. That to me is Sam choosing to trust Ruby rather than choosing to trust Dean

Ok. I actually hadn't caught that, and now that viewpoint makes a little more sense to me. I do wish more people would cotton on to the first part of what you said though, but oh well. Thank you so much to responding to my tl;dr :-) It's good to see things from a different POV sometimes.


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