you gonna need a warrant for that

Nov 04, 2009 10:25

last night, ranalore and I were discussing the possibility of a small Dark Angel winter holiday/end of the year exchange ficathon, since it is ineligible for yuletide, and I said I would be willing to run one, modeled on takethehouse (see the Take the House sign-up info/FAQ), if there was interest (and by interest I mean, like, 10 or 15 people who were willing to sign up; I don't think it'll be necessary, but I would cap sign-ups at 50, because I couldn't deal with more than that right now).

It would be for het, slash (both f/f and m/m) and gen, all pairings welcome, and it would be the kind of ficathon where participants offered four or five prompts (one of which would be required to be gen, for "just in case" matching purposes), and told us what they did and didn't like to write, and we would match everybody up and hopefully there would, at the end of it, be a handful of new Dark Angel stories for people to enjoy.

While there may already be a Dark Angel holiday ficathon, since I'm not actually involved in the fandom, I wouldn't be comfortable signing up for it. This would just be small and low-pressure, even if it is during a busy time of the year for many people.

I figure if there is sufficient interest (as indicated by this poll), I would open signups in the next couple of days, send out assignments next week sometime, and have stories due January 2 (or 6). Like takethehouse, it would be anonymous during the writing period, i.e., participants wouldn't be allowed to reveal their recipient publicly, but stories would be posted with names attached, by their authors, in a community set up for the purpose (da_exchange? jamponygifts? something clever you will tell me in the poll?).

If this is a bad time of year for people, which given the givens, I totally get could be the case, I'd still be interested in having one at some other time, but I don't think I could run it.

Anyway! the poll:

Poll genetically empowered holidays

PS: If you know someone who might be interested, feel free to send them over to take the poll, but please don't advertise it in any communities - I'm not looking for large numbers here.


polls, it's a sickness, tv: dark angel, diary of a mad mod

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