emotional pain never dies

Oct 15, 2009 22:52


A mummy! A really-o truly-o Egyptian mummy! *heart*

Dude! Is that the cheese guy from Restless? He's also the dude who, uh, fell apart in "I Fall to Pieces", no?

Hey, Booth's boss looks familiar. It's that guy!

They look lovely in their formalwear. Booth, just kiss her already! YARRGH!

Aw, this ep was adorable.

Supernatural: I Believe the Children Are Our Future now I have that fucking song in my head. fuckers.

I swear to cow, I really hoped that kid made a greasy stain of Castiel after his self-righteous assholery to Sam. Did Sam make the wrong choice? Yes, yes, he did. More than once. He chose to trust Ruby, to drink demon blood, and, worst of all, to kill Cindy McClellan. He did so because he believed it would save the world. He gave into the idea that the end justifies the means, and he was wrong (otoh, if killing Lilith actually had saved the world, would he still have been haunted by what he'd done? I'd hope so, but it's hard to argue with "it saved the world.")

Did Sam have all the information necessary to make an informed choice? No, he did not. And who had that information and kept it from him? Castiel. Who let him out so he could go do what he had been led to believe would save the world, knowing that that was what he believed, and knowing that he was going through withdrawal and possibly had impaired decision-making capacities? Castiel. Who kept that information from Dean who could have told him in a timely fashion? Castiel. Lying, self-righteous fuckwad.

There was so much I liked about this episode, but until they have Castiel admit his own culpability in the clusterfuck that is the apocalypse, I will continue to wish for his painful, fiery death. Possibly with rats. And nothing will convince me otherwise.

And the rest of my episode reaction:

Pop rocks and Coke! The tooth fairy! The guy's face froze that way (especially funny after the story I posted the other day) (also, I LOVE Dean's face-making ability ♥)! the melting rubber chicken! DEAN'S HAIRY PALM! "You know you could also go blind from that. Don't use my razor!" ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

Why did Dean not bust out "with great power comes great responsibility"? The kid was obviously a Marvel fan! He went right to the X-Men place! I liked that Sam laid it out for the kid, that he saw himself and his own choices reflected in Jesse's predicament. (Though when Castiel said, "You know him as the Antichrist," I kind of wanted Sam to be like, "I thought that was me, at least according to Gordon Walker.") (A dee-monic howitzer. Is that like Avery Brown (Murphy's mom) was a howitzer in a hat? Never change, Dean. Now I want a Murphy Brown/SPN crossover.) (I also liked the whoopee cushion right after the grave pronouncement.)

I was very much in the "Oh, Sam" place throughout this episode. Can I get an "Oh, Sam"?

"We're kinda freaks ourselves." Aw, Sammy. "There's nothing more important than family. We get that." Though I think the kid could have protected his parents.

I really liked Jesse's mom, and how they dealt with her. As much as I hate demonic pregnancies (hi Cordelia), I liked that she saved herself (shades of Darla) and that she survived. (So rare on this show these days.) I also love that she had some knowledge about how to keep demons away (though really, she should get herself a tattoo like Sam and Dean's, or an amulet at least). I'm glad they've clarified that hurting Sam is off the menu, but Dean is fair game.

I liked that Jesse had the presence of mind to exorcise the demon. And that Dean provided positive feedback.

Also, the scene where she's telling her story would have been much better in widescreen. This fullscreen bullshit is pissing me off.

It was nice to finally get a creepy little boy on this show for once (though honestly, it's irritating to me that he gets some agency but the little girls are just used and/or evil). The little girl who'd lost her tooth, otoh, was adorable, and whipsmart, and I am so glad nothing bad happened to her.

When did Sam make his own dinner when he was a kid? I have a hard time believing that Dean let him anywhere near a stove until he was a teenager.

Dean dealing with the first kid was hilarious. Clearly, there needs to be Dean v. the babysitter stories, and also Dean crushing on the babysitter stories. And also Dean wanting sea monkeys when he was six.

Dean with his goggles and his fireproof gloves cooking the ham! "That'll do, Pig." *dies* Also, when Dean starts carving and eating it, that's what my sister and I look like as my dad carves the Thanksgiving turkey.

I am amused that Sam gets all upset that Dean risked his life on a hunch after the times he's done that to Dean. (And also a little surprised at Dean's confidence in his hunch, but it was nice to see him getting his hunting mojo back.)

I want to know who all these people are who never ever twig to "Page and Plant" as aliases. Have they no musical knowledge whatsoever?

Dean has the sense of humor of a 9yo. Or a trickster. I wish the trickster would turn out to be on their side. Apocalypse doesn't do him any good, after all, if it destroys his playground.

Dean and John lied to Sam for years, and he hated John for it. Does this mean he's changed his mind about that?

Elk Creek? Wasn't that where young Sam and Dean spent Christmas in AVSC? Or was that Elk River? What's with all the elk?

I also really like how they've had the demons follow Lucifer's lead and be all full of truthiness that isn't actually true.

Also, am I crazy or did this ep lay out one of the basic philosophical divides that is at the heart of the war between heaven and hell? Might is right v. with great power comes great responsibility. Along with the choice v. predestination thing, which they also worked into this story. Nicely done writers whose names were not familiar to me at all!

I'm sure I'll have more thoughts after a couple of rewatches, but overall I am pleased.


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tv: supernatural: episode-related, tv: bones

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