Baking was a success!
Banana cake is tasty, though heavier and sweeter than I normally go for, and HUGE (9x13" pan), so half is going to work tomorrow and half is in the freezer and I'll take it to my parents' when I next go out there.
The mixer works like a dream, and the icing... dear god, the cream cheese icing. I didn't even use all the sugar it called for and I still thought it was a bit too much, but OMG so tasty and smooth and creamy...
I am kind of all banana'd out now, though, so next time I will make something smaller. And less banana-y.
If I were prepared, I'd have pictures, but in two years I've never figured out how to get the (really crappy) pictures from my phone to my laptop, and my real camera lives out at the parents', as they use it more than I do. So I am not yet a real food blogger. Also, I am terrible at presentation. The food I make generally tastes awesome (at least, I think so), but looks-wise, it is rarely pretty.
Anyway, it was a busy day of baking, and now I am going to relax and edit fic for posting.
In other awesome news, not only did my mixer come today, but I also received a pair of mix CDs from
spectralbovine! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ Along with a message about my mission, should I choose to accept it. (I did.)
The coolest thing is - well, the second coolest thing, because I don't think you can top OMG
spectralbovine made me a mixtape mix CD! - is that it does actually kind of have a cool spy movie vibe to it. SO COOL! &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts &hearts
This has been an unusually awesome Tuesday, marred only by the knowledge that tomorrow, I must return to work. Sigh.
But there will be tasty banana cake for everyone!
PS: Yuletide nominations are open. Since I did not nominate Psych, I am trusting one of you lot to do so. I gave its slot to the Flora Segunda series instead.
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