you're an anthropological trope

Oct 08, 2009 21:37

I feel like I should have something to say about Bones, but I don't, except that maybe Cam, Angela and Hodgins should have a hot threesome. And also, I don't care what anybody says, I love Sweets. Also, Booth/Brennan makes me all heart-eyed.

As for Supernatural, wow, they totally are smoking crack these days, huh? I mean, I knew that, but wow. I could complain that they FINALLY have a Latina on the show, and of course she's the maid. Take it as written, I guess.

I like that Sam's hero is Gandhi (Dean needs to STFU with dissing Gandhi). I like that Paris Hilton can take the mickey out of herself (though the 'satire of celebrity culture' I was led to believe this episode was going to be was ...not. it was more an anvilicious monologue than a satire. good thing my expectations weren't very high). I enjoyed Dean's glee about the Little Bastard (and also the throwaway "East of Eden" reference). I just miss the MOTW cases where there were actually people Sam and Dean connected with when they helped them. I feel like ending the world has narrowed it, too. This is what I was afraid of when Dean sold his soul - that everything would suddenly be overtly about them without the layer of having other people, randomly occurring people they don't already know, to save and to care about in a general saving people, hunting things kind of way.

So, wow, Dean was kind of a dick to Sam, there, for a while. I mean, I get it - it's exactly the kind of thing you get caught saying and have to either own or apologize for, and Bobby's the only person he could possibly say it to, so... I don't even blame Dean for vocalizing it sometimes, because sometimes you do need to vent, even though he's as much to blame as Sam is and he knows it. And Sam is the one doing the work to atone for what he's done. He's right - nothing Dean can do to him is worse than what he'll put himself through. And Dean needs to do some work himself, and on the relationship as well.

And I'm glad Sam pointed out that they have to be equal partners, that it can't just be Dean replicating John's top-down operation. I think they were getting there in s2 before Dean sold his soul, but that just set them back, along with John's demand that Dean continue to watch out for Sammy, and save him or kill him, catapulting Dean right back into being the caretaker and big brother in charge and seeing Sam as his charge rather than his partner, and clearly the trust was fracturing, even as early as Simon Said - Sam had to always have Dean's little "What if it's true? What if Sam's gonna go dark side?" questioning in his head long before he broke in Mystery Spot. And not being able to save Dean, over and over and over, and just... poor Sam. Dean's chosen method of coping did not do either of them any favors. *pets them both*

"We still have some trust-building to do." Gee, you think? I'm a little sad there was no 'tower of furniture' joke there, though.

And I'm glad that Sam explained that he's not there to be ordered around. And they managed it without punching each other, or even really yelling. I think they might actually be growing as people! *heart*

But wow, they sounded like a married couple trying to reconcile, didn't they? BOYS! *smishes*

And then at the end, Dean FINALLY owned his own culpability to Sam. I mean, I think Dean's been beating himself up over breaking the first seal since he found out about it, but I think he needed to OWN THAT TO SAM. And clearly Sam already knew, which I had figured, if only because it's a fucking huge revelation and Dean's not the one who keeps the big secrets anymore, but which is nice to have confirmed. When he asked if Sam wanted to drive, I forgave his dickishness earlier. BOYS! THEY LOVE EACH OTHER SO MUCH! ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥

I mean, they're still going to have to work at easing out of the habits of a lifetime, but at least they've identified the main bone of contention and have a goal in mind to work towards fixing it.

And then that promo. Christ on a cracker, I don't even KNOW. Horatio!Sam. The awful sitcom with the canned laughter (because you know they wouldn't land on a funny one). Dean gambling and LOSING years on his life! *dies*

Whose version of "Superstition" was that? 'Cause I would like it, please.

Huh. I didn't think I had that much to say, but I guess I did. I'm sure I'll have more once I've rewatched.

And now I have a wedding to watch. Hopefully my DVR came through and recorded it.


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