up against your will

Sep 01, 2009 14:14

When I was all excited and squeeful about Bela in season 3 of SPN, I had to put up with people repeatedly slagging off on her my comments, even after I specifically and repeatedly asked people not to. It annoyed me, but I still enjoyed the character a lot and wanted to talk about her. So I did. (and I would be willing to bet that if I didn't make this aside, someone would comment to this post telling me why she didn't work, or why they hated her, and basically why I was wrong to love her, and in the next breath tell me why I should learn to love the character they love and I hate.)

I find it's somewhat easier to love something everybody hates, than it is to hate something everybody loves, because if you love something, at least you've got your own squee to hold onto. I refused to let other people take that from me, and I don't see why other people can't manage that. Why does what other people think matter SO MUCH, as long as they're not shoving it in your face? (And no, posting in their own LJs does not count as "shoving it in your face.")

So yes, I hate Castiel and wish he would die in a fire go away. I have not been shy about it, either. This doesn't mean I hated season 4. On the contrary, on the whole, I liked it much more than season 3. I just wish the show had handled this particular thing differently, and I'm sick of feeling like he's been shoved down my throat by fandom, despite my best efforts to avoid him.

If you have been reading my LJ for any length of time, you know what my post-episode posts are like, and if you can't bear that someone on the internet hates a character you love and might say something mean about him in their own LJ, then either learn to scroll past without clicking on something that's going to make you angry, or take me off your reading filter.

You control your reading.

I have tried very hard not to piss in other people's Cheerios on this subject - once I find out someone really likes the character, I shut up on the subject in their LJ, and I will continue to do so, despite my overwhelming desire to tell them how WRONG they are. I don't read and don't comment on fic that features the character prominently, and I don't air my opinions on Dean/Castiel, which I hate, in public (except for now, and in person, where you have the added entertainment of seeing me froth and flail like a crazy person).

If you think you are bracing for fandom fail in season 5, imagine how I feel. I am going to be surrounded by people who gush over something I loathe, and no matter how carefully I plan out my reading, I'm still going to run into it, because it's everywhere.

So no, I really don't feel bad for you. I'm too busy feeling bad for me.

Feel free to comment, as always, but it's possible I won't respond, since I feel like I've said what I needed to say on this particular issue.


This entry was originally posted at http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/62730.html.
people have raised a glass there.

don't make me shoot you, tv: supernatural: meta, got no halo got no wings

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