wake up younger under the knife

Aug 31, 2009 22:49

Things that please me today:

1. ART FOR ME! tripoli8 made a cover for Daylight Won't Remember Her! *glee*

2. I love how the news of Disney buying Marvel has resulted in many, many creative ideas on how this marriage is going to work, including Scrooge McDuck v. Dr. Doom, The Iron Mermaid, and many, many possible Muppets/Marvelverse crossovers. Peter Parker as Kermit's cameraman! Waldorf and Statler doing movie reviews for the Daily Bugle! Beast McCoy having weekly tea with Belle's Beast! TONY STARK FLIRTING WITH MISS PIGGY!

3. I would swear when I started this post there was a 3, but it appears to have gone AWOL. I think 1 & 2 are awesome enough to handle it, though.


This entry was originally posted at http://musesfool.dreamwidth.org/62301.html.
people have raised a glass there.

flove, we make our own fun, fannishness

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