the delicate balance has shifted

Aug 24, 2009 11:28

Dude! I had an email this morning from Viper Comics promising me that I was supposed to have "The Doomsday Armageddon Apocalypse" and that they apologize for it not being included in the shipment, and will send out a copy posthaste! (Well, they didn't say 'posthaste' - that's just me being silly.) I am still skeptical, and will be until I have the book in my hot little hands, but +1 for a good, quick customer service response.

Both Dinosaur Comics and xkcd made me laugh out loud at my desk this morning.

So the girl!Sam story I'm working on is currently 9700 words long. *facepalm* I don't even know, you guys. I keep thinking maybe I'm done with the concept but apparently not. And I already have a sequel half-written. I still need to work out the pacing problems, but I think that will be easier to do once it's finished and I can see how it flows as a whole. Possibly I will need a beta for it soon.

In other writing news, I think I am going to have to scrap what I've written so far on the CM/SPN crossover. I am spending way too much time trying to make timelines match up, which is useless, but also, there's way too much exposition. I have to figure out how to start the story later. And what exactly the plot is, besides, "Garcia is a BNF in Supernatural (book) fandom who discovers that Sam and Dean are real." Now that I've told you the plot, maybe I don't have to write the story. Hmm...

This morning, my iPod played "Devil's Playground," "Devil with the Green Eyes" and "Devil Town" all in a row, followed by "Personal Jesus." Do you think it's trying to tell me something? Also, I downloaded a bunch of new music this weekend while I was at the parents', and then, like a dumbass, completely forgot to load it onto my iPod. *facepalm*

I feel like there was something else I wanted to say, and as soon as I hit post, I'll remember what it was, but I've had this update window open for a couple of hours now, and can't think of anything else, so... *hits post*


writing: neuroses, garcia is a sekrit bnf, sometimes i scare myself, links, the chinese buffet

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