Good lord, I'm sleepy today. Unfortunately, I have to go to the dentist this afternoon, so even though I'm getting out of work at 2:30, I can't go home, because I'd just have to turn around and come back downtown to make my 4pm appt. Sigh.
Even though I would be a terrible vidder, I vid songs in my head sometimes, and this morning, I found myself thinking about a Sam and Dean vid to "Your Misfortune" with Dean as the POV character. *facepalm* I don't think I'm OTP about them (I'm not against being OTP about them, but it is kind of sad when I think about it too much. And also, I like when they have sex with women!), but it's a pretty ridiculous song for a non-pairing vid. I mean, I can be the air you drink / Every single thought you think / I can be the right notion in the meantime / Warm you like the sunshine. And I thought, "seriously, vic? Seriously?" But it really would be an awesome Sam and Dean (or, I guess, Sam/Dean) vid.
I'm just saying.
Which leads me to this essay
hummingwolf linked me to yesterday:
Innocent Libertinism by Kit Whitfield. It's mostly a discussion of Twilight and how Edward/Bella can be read as a subtextual, consensual D/s relationship, but she also talks a lot about Flowers in the Attic, which is probably why CB thought it was relevant to my interests.
This is the part that struck me:
Family, on the other hand, is fate. You're tied together by blood. You don't choose your siblings: they're there by birth, a law of nature, inevitably present and, through childhood, the world in microcosm. They're supposed to protect you, to shape your ideas of people, to be loyal to you. You can swap one boyfriend for another, but you can't swap brothers and sisters: nobody else can replace them. As an adult you have to choose who to start your new family with, but the family you're born into is your destiny.
Which is why, despite its wild taboo-breaking, there's something curiously cosy about Flowers In The Attic. Cathy and Chris don't have to look far to find a destined partner: they have each other. They don't have to look far for high drama, either: there's plenty of that in their family background. Break with normality just enough that incest seems an option, and it's melodrama that can happen without having to leave your safe space. They don't have to step outside the microcosm to get a world of experiences.
If I were less brainfried, I'd probably have more to say about this, but I found it really interesting reading.
In other, not exactly related news,
little_missmimi did a
dvd commentary for my Firefly story Nine Voices, and the Search for a Tenth, which is basically River musing on each of her shipmates.
I love when people do commentaries on my stories! *hearts*