that's okay, man, she don't like them anyway

Jul 24, 2009 14:05



"You will be made to walk the streets in suits made of cactuses and be flagellated by talking fish!"
Manservant Neville


from this article at io9 (which is spoilery for the finale table read).

Where is the video of this? WHERE?

*shakes the internets looking for it*


Regarding my poll from the other day, clearly I FAIL at poll-making, because it was meant to be about your knowledge of my fannish development, and people seemed to think I was asking them about their fannish development, so... whatever.

The correct answers are:

1. the first source text I was ever fannish about: Star Wars
You know, it could have been Trixie Belden - I read them voraciously, and occasionally Mary Sued myself into the Bob-Whites - and it could have been Little Women, because I spent a lot of creative energy getting rid of Amy and Professor Bhaer so Jo and Laurie could be together, but I say it was Star Wars (original recipe, back when it first came out), because that was the first property I read tie-in novels for, that I scoured various magazines for information about when the next movie was coming out, that I speculated with my friends in school over what would happen next (I SO CALLED Leia as the other Yoda referred to, for example). Also, there were action figures involved, which the other two did not have (of course, I also had Charlie's Angels and Bionic Woman action figures, but none of the other stuff was involved).

2. the first fandom I ever participated in online: Homicide: Life on the Street
I forget why I logged onto Outlook Express and went looking for; I just know it was in November 1997 and I'd just discovered HLotS and was devouring the reruns on Lifetime, and I needed people to talk to about it. I couldn't get enough of it.

Which means that

3. My first fannish interaction was: on Usenet was a good place to start out, I think. And, as well.

4. the first fandom i ever posted fanfic in was: X-Men Movieverse
In September 2000. I was a hardcore OTP Logan/Rogue shipper.

5. I've never seen a full episode of: All of the above
What can I say? There are large gaps in my fannish education I have no real interest in filling.

6. fandoms in which I currently have works in progress: Supernatural, Firefly, BSG, STXI, and various crossovers. I doubt the BSG and STXI stories will ever be finished, but you never know.

Well, that was thrilling. I still have to be here for half an hour, though. Sigh.


Wah! FedEx just called and they can't leave my new seatbelt mini messenger bag without a signature and I won't be home until 4 pm! (and apparently the neighbor who usually signs for things is not home?) They said they would try again tomorrow. I hope they do! I want my bag!


tv: middleman, links, notes to self, all about me, i am okay with that!, fannishness

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