her dance begins in hasty, heated rhythms

Apr 18, 2009 16:10

I seem to be doing a lot of list entries lately. This is another one.


= And the Mets just won 1-0 over the Brewers. They really have to start scoring runs for Johan Santana. And not just because he's amazingly pretty.

= I am still having computer troubles - I went to update ZoneAlarm and got the blue screen of death. I rebooted and it loaded, but I am not sure it's actually working. I might have to uninstall and reinstall, but I am just so weary of random computer not-working-ness.

= I wrote this whole long thing about my thoughts on subscribing and granting access on DW and then I thought, I don't even care about this, why would anyone else, so, you know, eventually it'll work itself out. You don't have to hear about it from me.

= I am also having a lot of irritation with SPN fandom right now, which is totally my issue, and I own that, but god, I do not care about Castiel. I am sure Misha Collins is a lovely man - he seems intelligent and erudite and willing to shrug off fannish weirdness - but the show has utterly failed to make me like his character (4.16 made me seriously dislike him, and possibly that is an understatement *snerk*), and all the gushing I see about him has just made me dislike him more. I realize that people who like him feel like the whole of fandom hates him, but as someone who doesn't like him, I feel like all I see are stories and posts about how awesome he is and that actively makes me dislike him more. I can't help being contrary; it's how I am about a lot of things. I'm still resentful of the way the show mishandled and then discarded Bela, because I loved her and fandom hated her, so I am really bitter about the way fandom has embraced a character who is far less interesting just because he has pretty blue eyes and a Y chromosome. (and yes, I know that's an unfair generalization; I am irrational on the subject, so I don't care.) Don't comment to try to change my mind about it. Don't rec me stories you think will make me like him. That will just make me dig in my heels more. (I realize this is pointless - last season I asked that people not slag off on Bela in my comments, and people still did so with great frequency; I try not to complain about characters I hate in the journals of people who love them [it's a fruitless exercise. no fruit for me.], and I'd appreciate the same courtesy, but alas, it is apparently not to be. Hell, I generally try not to slag off on characters I don't like in my own journal, because why waste time on people I don't like when I could be talking about people I do? So this is probably a one-off rant. But depending on how the last few episodes of the season go, I make no guarantees.)

= On the remix tip, please do not try to join remixredux09. Only moderators and sockpuppets will be given membership.

= Today's poem:

Spanish Dancer

As in one's hand a lighted match blinds you before
it comes aflame and sends out brilliant flickering
tongues to every side -- so, within the ring of the
spectators, her dance begins in hasty, heated rhythms
and spreads itself darting flames around.

And suddenly the dance is altogether flame!

With a fierce glance she sets her hair alight.
Unexpectedly she turns with daring artfulness
the swirling flounces of her dress within this
conflagration, out of which her upheld naked arms,
clapping the castanets, appear like serpents striking.

And then, afraid her fire were diminishing,
she gathers it all up and flings it down
with an imperious haughty gesture, and watches
as it lies there writhing on the ground, unyielding
and unwilling to concede the dance has ended.
Yet she shows victory in her sweet swift smile
as she lifts up her face, while with her small firm feet
she stamps out the last of the dying embers.

~Rainer Maria Rilke
Translated by Albert Ernest Flemming


technology is not my friend, tv: supernatural, all shall love me and despair, national poetry month 2009, don't make me shoot you, rants, henrik lundqvist: goalie boyfriend

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