she's flown to other shores

Mar 09, 2009 10:55

I did not sleep well last night. I had a long bad dream where I had killed a bunch of people (mostly because they annoyed me) while on vacation in some small non-democratic country, and was being put on trial for it and Clive Owen was the grand inquisitor. dottheeye came to bail me out and be my advocate, but she couldn't believe I had done it, and I really had. I kept waking up and hoping to not continue the dream when I fell back asleep, but I couldn't seem to get out of it.



Alan Sepinwall and Mo Ryan review Nathan Fillion's new show, Castle. I will probably give it a shot, because I do like Nathan Fillion, and I like bantery couples who solve mysteries, but the cliched dialogue sounds truly awful.


Sasha Frere-Jones on Neko Case's new album, which I have but haven't listened to yet. I am being really bad lately about new music. I've only given the other new stuff I have (u2! Vienna Teng! even the new Bruce!) a cursory listen as well.


Speaking of music, I mentioned the other day the mini-fan mixes thing, and of course, when I went to upload, I totally blanked, even though I generally have a list of songs as long as your...well, it's long.

Anyway, here are two for my two current favorite characters on television:

Kara Thrace:
Gold Dust Woman - Fleetwood Mac
Did she make you cry / Make you break down / Shatter your illusions of love

A Better Son/Daughter - Rilo Kiley
And sometimes when you're on you're really fucking on / And your friends they sing along and they love you / But the lows are so extreme that the good seems fucking cheap / And it teases you for weeks in its absence

You Are What You Love - Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins
Because we live in a house of mirrors / We see our fears and everything / Our songs, faces, and second hand clothes / But more and more we're suffering / Not nobody, not a thousand beers / Will keep us from feeling so all alone

Every You Every Me - Placebo
Like the naked leads the blind. / I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind. / Sucker love I always find, / Someone to bruise and leave behind.

Down to Nowhere - Thea Gilmore
I'm a soldier of the vacuum / When the darkness comes / I'm a vaudeville comedian / In a theatre of bones / And it's a laugh a minute / When nowhere is your home

If I ever write my big Kara Thrace story, I will title it "This Is High Rise Living for a Joke Like Me." ♥

Dean Winchester:
It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City - Bruce Springsteen
I was the king of the alley, Mama, I could talk some trash / I was the prince of the paupers, crowned downtown at the beggar's bash / I was the pimp's main prophet, I kept everything cool / Just a backstreet gambler with the luck to lose

Sometimes You Can't Make It On Your Own - u2 (this is more of a Winchester family anthem)
You don't have to put up a fight / You don't have to always be right / Let me take some of the punches / For you tonight

You Know You're Right - Nirvana
I will move away from here / You won't be afraid of fear / No thought was put into this /
I always knew it'd come to this / Things have never been so swell / I have never failed to fail

You Are a Runner and I Am My Father's Son - Wolf Parade
I'll build a house inside of you / I'll go in through the mouth / I'll draw three figures on your heart / one of them will be me as a boy / one of them will be me / one of them will be me watching you run

22 Hours of Darkness - the Ike Reilly Assassination
Do you think that maybe love is not enough? / Do you think that maybe drugs are not enough? / Do you think that maybe flesh is not enough? / Do you think that maybe this is just your life?
(I have to say, the verses of this song do not live up to its awesomely ominous beginning and ending, and don't really suit Dean, but the beginning and ending really do.)


tv: miscellaneous, starbuck is my tv girlfriend, oh dean, links, music: fanmixes, dreams

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