somehow it all falls down

Jan 26, 2009 19:23

RIP Kim Manners. You definitely had style and you will be missed.

[ source]


I was hoping to have fic to post tonight, but that doesn't appear to be happening, so have a poem:

please advise stop

sun setting so quickly away from us and never the proper calibration to our instruments stop
orchestra of my attachments excessively over-rehearsed stop
in the echo of warped floorboards I needn't concoct a further predicament please

technicians may already be waiting for me in a small future fiercely equipped for such purposes stop
why should exoneration belong to only one of us searching out the eyes of the other stop
I hear your knees begin to buckle as you perform your ancestors' ardencies stop

behold flesh as the moving center of a functional harmony please
night might still be floating somewhere above us its blood supple and aromatic stop
the swamp frogs sound to us only our own fugitive affections please advise

~Rusty Morrison


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