your name hung in the air

Jan 21, 2009 22:35

The thing with Veronica Mars is that the mystery arc of first season is so personal to Veronica, and they never managed to find anything that was that important to her again, and since she wasn't nearly as emotionally invested, the audience wasn't either.

I am sad that Weevil working for Keith didn't work out. I would really like to see (read) the adventures of Mars and Navarro: They Fight Crime!

Also, I really like Veronica's black choker. Apparently it and the star necklace were stolen, and that's why she doesn't wear them in season 2? Shame. I wouldn't mind having a choker like that. I googled around, and it seems there are fannish people who make them, but there isn't anywhere to actually buy one. Sigh.

Also, I didn't realize Duncan ran off in a '69 Impala. Bwah!


So I got my period this morning and then had an interview. Yay? I am trying not to talk about the whole thing too much. Suffice it to say, I don't think it went badly, but I am apparently incapable of judging things these days. I had a nice long chat with my brother yesterday, which makes me feel better, but still. Sigh.


Have a poem:

Your Window Was Closest

I was walking the streets,
shoulders trying to deny

the wind pressing against my hips in
curious symmetry. My head filled

with the smell of other
people's fireplaces and your name

hung in the air, a warning
like fog, low and only

visible from far away. I needed
somewhere warm to go so

morning would still be
a shock to step into with

lips like cut open fruit and flowering
eyes peeking through drains.

~Jessica Del Balzo


poetry, tv: vmars

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