Ausiello on a certain alleged SPN spoiler:
Question: Please, please, please tell me that the rumors about a new brother popping up for the Winchesters is completely untrue. Supernatural can do so much better than this stupid soap opera gimmick. -- Lindsey
Ausiello: I'm hearing the title of the episode is "Jump the Shark." I think that says it all. (You're an evil genius, Eric Kripke!)
He also confirms Anna's return. (Why not Pam? Why can't Dean have lots of sex with Pam?)
So if that is not a joke, hopefully that means he is not really their brother, but instead some kind of con job, supernatural or otherwise. Obviously, Dean will call him Cousin Oliver.
I am having a very hard time figuring out if this story I'm working on needs two more scenes, or only one. I was writing and hit the ending, so now I have to shuffle things a bit (not really problematic), but I feel there needs to be a little more before we get to that point. I really want to get this done and posted before Thursday. I had a whole list of stories that I wanted to write before the show came back, and obviously, that did not happen. Sigh.
snacky is running
a poll asking
how people got into fandom, because of recent discussions on the subject.
I think it's too easy to generalize, and I think every fan takes a different route - hell, often the same fan takes a different route for each fandom, though I definitely think there are various categories fans fall into in general. Often, these categories overlap, and again, what may be true of Fan A in Fandom 1 will not be true of her in Fandom 5.
For me, I have had numerous different routes for different fandoms, but generally, while I will check out something that people on my flist are squeeing about if it piques my interest in some way (see House, BSG, FNL, VMars, SPN, all of which I checked out because people recommended them to me and they fell in line with things I am interested in), I don't get into fandoms because of the fandom or the fic - I need the source to ping for me first. I also won't stick around if the pinging stops, or if a faint ping is overwhelmed by a stronger one (see my brief time in Smallville - a show I stopped watching in season 3, never having been overly invested in it, when it stopped pleasing me and also when I was being devoured by Sirius/Remus love). I don't in general search for a new fandom if I am happy with the fandom I'm in, or if I've still got things to say. I left XMM not just because it became an inhospitable environment, nor because most of my friends had already left, but because I had nothing left to say about the characters, and the new canon that was introduced did not ping for me in any way whatsoever. I was just about done with HP and was revisiting Firefly when I fell for Supernatural. I picked SPN over SGA, even though some of my closest fannish friends are in SGA, because SGA looked dumb (sorry, but it's true! and the little of it I've seen didn't change that opinion) and because I read
pandarus's awesome Dean/Faith crossover and I wanted to understand what I was missing. If Dean hadn't pinged for me in the pilot, I doubt I would have kept watching, but whatever flaws the show has (and it does have them), Dean Winchester is a fantastic character (and it doesn't hurt that he is amazingly pretty to look at).
A show being slashy, or a favorite writer writing in a new fandom - if I don't like or am not interested in the source, that is not enough to pull me in. I may read recaps or canon analysis (I still read
latxcvi's Smallville recaps sometimes, because LaT is awesomesauce) or meta for fandoms I'm not involved in, because I like to understand trends in meta or I just like how someone writes their reviews, but if the meta relies too heavily on a show I don't care about, or on stories I haven't read, I just click out. So I am a fan of meta stuff, and a fan of fandom-at-large, and that can and has kept me around when I haven't really had a fandom of my own, but it's not enough to get me into a fandom when I'm not really into the source. I learned that from my experiences in Smallville. My path into a fandom has never been fic->fandom->source. It's always source->fandom->fic. It's just a question of either how I got to the source, or how I found the fandom.
The other thing for me is that, with two exceptions (SV and XMM), I do revisit old fandoms - I still occasionally read (and occasionally write) BtVS or HLotS fic, and those were my first online fandoms, long before I bothered with fanfic at all; I circle back around to West Wing or Sports Night or Ocean's 11, and I still have Firefly stories I want to tell eventually. I still occasionally jones for Sirius/Remus fic, possibly because they are the OTP of my heart, though I don't feel like I have anything to say about them anymore.
So I find it interesting when people say, "Fans do this" or "Fans do that" because by our very nature, fans are hard to pin down. Some fans do this or that, and they do it for myriad reasons, some of which they may not even be consciously aware of. And whenever someone does say, "Fans do this" or "Fans do that," at least a dozen fans will jump up to say, "No, they don't, because I don't." (Often, I am one of those fans. *snerk*) Obviously, some generalizations are useful when discussing things, but I also think we all often fall into the trap of thinking that our reasons for doing something can be projected out onto other fans, and it ain't necessarily so.
And wow, that's quite enough thinky for 3 am. I have a story to finish.