our patented wish-granter 3000

Dec 17, 2008 22:58

I was tired and cranky, and I was going to post a list of things that are irritating me, but then I remembered that there was a NEW MUPPETS CHRISTMAS SPECIAL on tonight, and that made me happy. Well, that, and three meals made of leftover risotto (there are few things in life that cannot be improved by some time in a splash of olive oil over medium heat), and the knowledge that I probably only have three scenes left to write in my catchallathon.

Speaking of which, callmesandy wrote me a lovely Bones story: Listening to Body Heat, a great snapshot of Booth and Brennan discussing a case, full of tasty UST.

I also sent out a few resumes, one even for a non-admin job I think I'd be really good at, but I doubt they will call me, because of the admin slant to my resume. But at least I feel like I am putting it out there. I am promiscuous with my resume. *snerk*

Also, possibly while I am at the parents' over the holidays, I will attempt to make tricolor cookies, which are one of my favoritest things. I will be doing the fig cookies this weekend. And maybe a few other things, since I have time. The best part about cooking at the parents' is that they have a dishwasher. Heh. I hate washing dishes.

I also did a lot of (online) Christmas shopping this afternoon. I love this time of year, and I love buying gifts for people, and I did tone it down cost-wise, it was still nice to find things I know people would like.


Okay, the songs were kind of meh, but it was GONZO and RIZZO and KERMIT and FOZZIE and PEPE, okay? And Uma Thurman and Jesse L. Martin! There was Sweetums and Robin and Waldorf and Statler! And Paulie Walnuts and Bobby Bacala! Hee!




Why is Ted in jail? I do love that Charlie's got two thugs looking out for him.

Charlie shot his own father. Heh. I love how they all respond to that.

Ooh, Reese is sabotaging her relationship with Tidwell, who I actually kind of like when he is not macking on her.

Cromartie! (He really does look like Casey to me. Er, Casey McCall, I mean. Peter Krause.)

I also really like Rachel and Reese's awkwardness.

Ooh, very clever. I like the cases on this show, because even when they don't make sense, they're interesting. They're rarely straightforward or familiar.

Holy shit! This show! I did not expect that! And he goes to prison in his head, the way Pembleton was locked in the Box when he had his stroke.

I am sad Charlie sent Rachel away, mainly because I totally want bad wrong Charlie/Rachel fic. Please tell me there is some.

Possibly there was a time I would have had shame about that, but that time is long gone.

I guess I will have time to catch up on the stuff I've missed since the show won't be back until February 4.


Pushing Daisies


Oh, poor Vivian. Poor Lily. (Is it wrong that I seem to sort of ship them now?) And Emerson being mean to Vivian for her own good (and his own protection) was heartbreaking. I wish Chuck would stop seeing her father as superman, though. I find it really irritating. I like that Ned is trying to own his actions and his screwups, but I really, really wish they'd let Olive in on the secret, and let the aunts see Chuck.

Was that George Hamilton as Ned's dad? Or am I seeing things?

Rumor has it ABC is going to burn off the last three episodes in one night in January, against one of the NFL playoff games, and also that Bryan Fuller has retooled the last episode to tie up some of the dangly ends. I still can't believe crap like "According to Jim" or that new Howie Mandel show gets approved, but this show gets canceled. Fucking network executives.


tv: muppets, links, tv: life, recs, tv: pushing daisies

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