go lightly on the ground

Nov 15, 2008 14:19

Okay, NYC people, I need your input. I am tentatively taking my oldest niece and nephew to the Museum of Natural History next Saturday, and while Alyssa is fairly amenable to almost anything, Anthony is a bit particular, so is there anything you can think of that a 15yo boy would be interested in doing (after the museum, I mean)? We'll probably start the day off with brunch, then the museum, and while I once knew a few fun bars on the Upper West Side (I went to Fordham at Lincoln Center), I'm thinking that's not exactly teen-friendly. Restaurant recs for brunch before or dinner after are also welcome, in either the midtown Penn Station area (which is where I am meeting them in the morning, and depositing them at the end of the day), or near the AMNH (I'd rather not end up at Uno's), and these days, I am more familiar with the east side, both upper and midtown. I thought about a trip downtown to the Sports Museum, but I'm not sure it'd be worth it to have to go all the way downtown, or that two museums in one day isn't overkill.

I told them to think about what they want to do, but I'm not sure how successful that will be. We are all sort of hapless tourists in my family. But it will be fun, regardless.


Heh. Two things I was planning to write just got rendered totally redundant by the preview and clips for next week's SPN. One can probably be reworked easily enough, but the other... Is it really worth it to bang out a couple thousand words of Dean/Anna porn if the show is going to do it for me? I can't decide. I was enjoying thinking about it this morning, but that was before I'd actually seen the preview. Hmm...

Anyway, with the posting of I've never been too good with names (but I remember faces), I can finally cross "the It's a Shame About Ray story" off my wip list. Canon has made the story I was writing for Shibboleth a much more difficult proposition, and possibly I will still write that story, but I will reappropriate that title for something else, because this season has given me some ideas that suit it more than that story, I think. I'm not sure.

The list currently looks something like this:

stories where I've actually written something

= The Crackpots and These Women (the best part of this story is the summary, but it amuses me, so...)
= Inauguration, which will have to be rejiggered now
= Shibboleth (pending retitling and also some rethinking)
= backstreets story (girl!Sam)
= You Catholic Girls Start Much Too Late (teen!Dean/Catholic schoolgirls)
= Dean/Cordelia
= Dean/Veronica x2
= Mr. Frost (the hockey story)
= She Got Down But She Never Got Tight (girl!Sam + strippers) and/or Beezlebub Likes Chocolate with Sprinkles (the girl!Sam haunted ice cream cake casefile)
= The Drop-In (the Dean/Ellen surprise relationship story) and/or In This White House (the Dean/Ellen AU)
= the one with Madame Makarova, the fake psychic who discovers that the supernatural really does exist

stories I plan to write but have not yet begun

= yuletide story
= catchallathon story
= Daylight Won't Remember Her (casefile) <- this one is clamoring to be written, though, so it might move up the list quickly
= Hartsfield Landing (Eric/Tami hotness)
= quidquid deliquisti (wincest)
= A Catalogue of Deadly Sins (wincest)
= The Portland Trip (Max/Alec road trip gone wrong, with the hair washing)
= The Black Vera Wang (possibly girl!Sam, or not. anyway, a casefile)
= the girl!Sam one where she has amnesia (I told you, I am hitting as many cliches as possible with girl!Sam)
= the one where Alec woos Max with heists
= the Dean/Pepper (from Good Omens) where they compare antichrists and have awkward yet incendiary sex
= the field hockey story
= the baseball casefile (Dean/baseball=OTP)
= an SPN/Bones crossover
= the other 120 or so West Wing titles. *snerk*

There are a couple other casefile-type things I came up with when I was panicking about spn_summergen, but figuring out how they relate to the current state of the brothers Winchester means I'm not ready to even put them down here.

Even if I don't write half of these, it's going to take me a long time, because lately, I can only seem to work on one thing at a time, which is not generally how I'm used to writing. But I will say that Write or Die was really helpful on I've never been too good with names (but I remember faces) - I set it for twenty minutes and wrote about 500 words each time. It helps that I knew where the story was going, that it was just a matter of me forcing myself to sit and write for an extended period of time, which is the thing I have the most trouble with these days. I am easily distracted and when I am all meh about fandom, it's even easier to just give up on writing and play tetris all evening. I need to stay excited about my own stories, which sometimes I find hard. But timed writing with an actual "punishment" as minor and ridiculous as it is, has been a good motivator.

Now I should probably answer comments and maybe think about uploading a few more stories to the wordpress version of my site. Heh.


writing: neuroses, writing: wsip, my flist knows everything

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