that's never gonna come off

Oct 29, 2008 12:01

Ugh. I had to be here before eight this morning to man the registration desk downstairs for a big department-wide meeting (not that they really needed me - the building conference center does have its own registrar), but I figured it was wise to be the one who showed up when asked. And they're paying me overtime for it, so why not? The registrar lady likes to talk, so I spent an easy and sociable 45 minutes with her, giving out visitor badges and directing people to the appropriate elevator banks. It almost made me miss meeting planning.

Everyone was supposed to be at this meeting for two hours this morning, but of course, half my guys didn't go and the other half came back at 9:30, so there wasn't the big respite I was expecting. Sigh.

I also didn't sleep well, probably because I was anticipating having to be up half an hour earlier than usual, and afraid I might miss my alarm. Gah.

But last night was awesome. I had a fangirl dinner with dotfic, counteragent, and tenaciousmetoo, because missyjack is in town visiting. We had good food and then went to Veniero's for dessert and a lot of interesting, boisterous conversation about SPN and vids and fandom in general. Really, fangirl conversation and tasty dessert is a perfect combination.

Speaking of SPN, you've all seen this interview with Misha Collins, yes? Minor casting spoiler for this week's episode, which you already know if you've watched the clips.

Also, speaking of SPN, I will be reccing SPN on crack_van next month. I have to sort through the 666 SPN recs I have saved on my delicious and then look at what's already been recced, and make some decisions. I don't think I am going to have a theme or anything, though I could change my mind at any given moment. I know Crack_van, like any reccing enterprise, is very hit or miss, but I like reccing things. It makes me happy.

Tonight, Fleurdeleo and I are seeing Tom McRae at the Living Room. TOM! I missed him last time around, which made me very sad, so I am extra special super excited for tonight. It's pretty much the only thing keeping me awake at the moment. Tom!

I will probably be a big dork and write down the songs he plays so I can report back.


tv: supernatural: links, tom mcrae, i fail at glee!, fannishness

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