Last night, I watched Bones live and Pushing Daisies on the DVR. It was a night of TV I enjoyed very much.
Okay, tell me that conversation in the car wasn't ASKING for Booth/Brennan genderswap! Both ways! Who is writing this for me? (Though seriously, Booth as a girl would NOT be prettier than Brennan.)
Wow. I am very impressed with how they brought the son back, and how they handled his and his father's faith. I might have even gotten a little sniffly when he was all, "I'm sorry I made him feel that way" and "I wish I could have known him/her."
Booth's confusion about how to refer to Patricia was a little overdone, though I thought it was funny and meant more to mock him than her, so it didn't bother me.
"What do you believe in, Bones?" "Never swim without a buddy. [...] You gather your wisdom, I gather mine."
Sweets! Hodgins! Cam!
I loved Sweets being right about the son.
I feel like there is less Angela these days, but I like what Angela we got tonight.
I am tired of the rotating interns. Nobody is going to replace Zack, and they should stop making people try. They need a new person, not a replacement or a substitute.
So wait, there is no more new Bones until November? Seriously? WTF, Fox?
So I switched to channel 7 just in case Pushing Daisies was running a little over and the DVR cut off (it didn't), and I caught the beginning of last night's Private Practice. Okay, so, this is a pretty terrible show (even the hotness of Addison and Taye Diggs can't get me to watch), but given what one of the storylines was, I am shocked, SHOCKED nobody told me about it.
AHAHAHAHA! CANON SEKRIT INCEST BABY! Or the desire for one, anyway. GSA strikes again. *dies laughing* I don't see why they have to split up, as long as they, you know, don't have kids. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH! THEY STILL WANT TO HAVE A BABY! ♥ Shonda, I love you!
Possibly I actually made this gesture: \o/ and yelled, "SEKRIT INCEST BABY FOR THE WIN" when this was revealed.
I'm sure the show didn't let them get pregnant - probably didn't even let them stay together - but I didn't watch because I am happier not knowing that part.
And then there was the clown episode of Pushing Daisies.
I really think they should have called this ep, like, "Snuff Out the Clowns" or something.
New beginnings only lead to ends. Aw. Wow, a whole year since Chuck came back?
So many great lines:
"You can't just have half a revolution."
"I don't wear my feelings like a shiny sparkly brooch, but if I did my sadness would be mesmerizing right now."
"There are two things clowns make around here: balloon animals and enemies."
"A truckload of mimes just pulled up, and they ain't talking."
"Starting fresh means something else is ending stale."
Olive's line about the porridge: "I could throw up in my mouth and not even taste the difference."
*sniffle* Oh, Vivian.
Bwahahaha! They pulled the clown car out of pond. And it's FULL OF DEAD CLOWNS. *dies* OMG SHOW! CLOWN CAR FULL OF DEAD CLOWNS FTW!
Aw, Emerson.
Oh, Pushing Daisies, how are you SO AWESOME? I'm surprised more people aren't talking about it. Or, maybe you are now, but I can't see my flist to know.
One of the things I've noticed about this TV season is the number of alumni from The Wire who are showing up on other shows: Marlo Stanfield in Heroes, Cedric Daniels in Fringe, Michael in 90210. Bunk was on In Plain Sight, Beadie's on The Office, Method Man on Burn Notice, Stringer is in Rocknrolla (okay, not TV, but the commercial is on a lot),
and Bunny Colvin is going to be on SPN. It's really kind of awesome.
Speaking of SPN, I posted a story last night, a coda to "In the Beginning":
A Proportional ResponseSupernatural; Sam and Dean; spoilers through 4.03; pg; 1,670 words
Sam's a lying lieface who lies. Dean's not having with that.
Really, it's kind of what I hope happens at the beginning of tonight's episode. New show tonight! BOYS! YAY!
Also, I may watch FNL beforehand. I haven't decided yet.