so god is my co-pilot?

Oct 02, 2008 22:34

Supernatural Oh, Dean... Oh, Mary...

The apple don't fall far from the tree. And John never knew. Oh, my heart. Now I want fic where she snuck out in the early days of her marriage when dark things came too close.

I have so much LOVE for the idea of Mary as a hunter (even if Summer's Here and the Time Is Right got jossed; dammit, I wanted the car to be hers), and that heaven wants Dean to save Sam, so they don't have to kill him. Hee! They knew Dean would be the only person who could keep Sam from going evil. (At some point I want Dean to say fuck destiny (or, you know, screw destiny).)

Given the descriptions of the episode, I had expected it to be Sam-light, and having read that Jared had reshoots to do on his movie, I can accept that.

Aw, Sam really is just like John. (And Dean apparently, is like his grandpa Skinner. And his grandma is pretty badass in her quiet way.) And I loved Dean's "Mom's a babe. I'm so going to hell. Again." Hee! (I could have done without seeing that father/daughter kiss though. *shudder* Of all the ways for incest to become canonical on this show, that is NOT one I would have chosen.)

I would really have liked Dean to start fading out when Azazel killed John (also, did he have a reaper on the leash? Because he said he couldn't do it himself, but he knew someone who could), but at least we got the Delorean joke.

FATHER DEAN! Hee! And Father Cheney! Hee! Elkins! The Colt!

Dean giving John the rundown on the Impala. "Trust me, in forty years, this thing is still gonna be badass." ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ "Doesn't matter what your dad thinks, I like that John kid. I thikn you two were meant to be. Hell, I'm depending on it." Aw, Dean.

Dean driving a PINTO is HILARITY. A PINTO. I think my cousin Elizabeth had that EXACT SAME CAR.

MARY WAS A HUNTER! I am not sure I will ever get over that. (I'm pretty sure Dean won't.) And she made a DEAL to BRING JOHN BACK and set the whole chain of events in motion. And named her sons after her parents. No wonder she apologized to Sam in "Home." *sniffle*

My heart broke when she told him the worst thinig she could think of was her kids being raised as hunters. And then he CRIED and made her PROMISE not to get out of bed on November 2, 1983, but she DID ANYWAY. God. My heart.

Oh, no, possessed grandpa Skinner! I do like how once he was possessed, he really sounded like the YED (actually, he sounded like John possessed by the YED; much better character continuity than new!Ruby so far.)

I am not sure the time travel thing works, because how did it happen the first time around if Dean wasn't there to point them at Liddy Walsh, and thus bring Mary to Azazel's attention? *waves hands* This is why time travel hurts my head. I guess because it was destined, it always happened that way? Bah. Destiny is always a cop-out.

I really wanted a little Mary-Dean bonding over music when she was looking through her record albums. Sigh.


Though I was not expecting that "To be continued..." thing.

Possibly I will have actual thinky thoughts tomorrow.


tv: supernatural: episode-related

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