ripped right out of the ground

Sep 22, 2008 23:13

I am very tired and am either coming down with a cold or having severe allergies, so my brain, she is not working so good, so I don't really have thinky thoughts about anything I watched tonight.

The Sarah Connor Chronicles

Okay, I enjoyed that, even though Charlie's wife's resemblance to Linda Hamilton was eerie. I am sad she died. I would have kept her and knocked Charlie off, except that he's played by a name actor and also a paramedic. I guess they are going to revive the Charlie/Sarah, which, meh. I am more interested in Derek/Sarah (or Sarah/Cameron. or Derek/Cameron). I did like the ending with him sitting on the bench and John trying to offer the comfort Sarah and Derek can't. And also the way Charlie had her wedding ring. An enjoyable episode. Well played, show.


Then I watched the two hour Heroes premiere. I have to say right up front that I did not like the show at all last season and was planning to break up with it, and that may possibly still happen, because I honestly don't think it's a very good show (and hey, that's not an automatic strike. obviously.) and since I'm not emotionally invested in it, I can't overlook its flaws (that, unfortunately, is). And I'm watching so much tv this season that I may not have the time for it. However, I may end up watching it for the sheer hilarity.

Mohinder, you are STILL too stupid to live. I mean, when Maya is the smartest one in the room, you've got problems. SO MUCH HILARITY! And then that utterly ridiculous pretentious voiceover of him reciting "The Second Coming." Seriously? SERIOUSLY?

Nathan has found god. Or Linderman, anyway. *dies* *is revived* This seems to be a theme on tv shows this season. *cough* Though since he didn't have to claw his way out of a grave after four months, he loses.

They are really laying the Peter/Claire on thick, huh? I am all in favor of that, personally. I totally ship them. At least Claire got to be somewhat awesome this episode. She's still my favorite. Unfortunately, she seems to have inherited her brains from her father and uncle instead of her grandmother. Mama Petrelli PWNS, still. And Noah Bennet. And heh. Fandom was right in guessing Sylar was the lost Petrelli brother.

Hiro and Ando are together, but apparently Ando is going to become a villain? I do not approve. And that was Jean from FNL as the Flash. She's adorable. I do love Hiro and Ando.

Weevil! Marlo Stanfield! Teaming up to be evil! I did enjoy that one scene where KBell sees Weevil and is like, "Huh?" Heh. Though I guess now!Peter is "possessing" Weevil?

Bruce Boxleitner!

Was that the dude from Greatest American Hero that Niki freezedried? And she gets a new power with each new personality?

Mostly, I was laughing. I kept IMing amberlynne going, OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW SILLY THIS IS!

So, um, yeah, those were some quality lulz.


tv: heroes, tv: sarah connor chronicles

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