you've torn your dress

Sep 22, 2008 11:28

There was fic yesterday:

Give Me Your Answer, Do
The Office; Jim/Pam; pg; spoilers through Goodbye, Toby; 2,003 words
Four ways Jim could ask Pam to marry him.

I am kind of terrified that the show will break them up. That would make me very sad.


I am trying to figure out if I have a post-ep for 4.01 in me, and if so, what it would be about. (I am also considering trying to get my Faulkner on with some Wincest, but I haven't decided yet how that would go.)

I am also thinking about where the arc might go, and what I would do if I were Eric Kripke.

If I were writing the story, for the first half of the season, I would have Dean slowly become accustomed to working with Castiel or some other 'angel of the lord'. I would have Castiel be on the up-and-up, but just really scary intense and, well, obdurately convinced of the righteousness of his/heaven's position. And Dean would still be killing evil creatures and stuff, so he wouldn't necessarily be against working together, though he'd remain skeptical of angels and God etc. etc. He probably decides not to burden Sam with the knowledge.

Sam would still be working with Ruby and keeping it a secret from Dean. Possibly there would be other demons now offering him other choices - we can help you get Lilith, etc. Dean would notice there was something weird going on, but since he's keeping his own secrets, he doesn't push too hard.

Meanwhile, I'd still have them doing MOTW stuff, with the mytharc flickering around the edges - maybe Ruby or Castiel provided the push towards the hunt or whatever.

Then in episode seven or eight, I'd have Dean discover that Sam's been using his powers and working with Ruby. And he's all, "You lied! And she's a demon!" etc. And Sam would be all, "but I'm still me! And I'm doing good work!"

And then in the next episode, I'd have Castiel reveal that the job heaven needs Dean for is to stop Sam from bringing on the demon apocalypse. Once again, he has to save Sam or kill him. (Heaven has to know Dean can't kill Sam, so I'm guessing they are coming down on the 'save him' side, but possibly Castiel doesn't know this.)

And then I'd go on winter hiatus.

And then in the second half of the season, I'd have Sam and Dean working to throw off the shackles of both heaven and hell, because humanity doesn't need to be used as pawns in their war. I'd reveal that Sam's powers were inherent (inherited from Mary), and not demon-imparted, and thus, not 'tainted' or whatever, but able to be used for good (after all Missouri and Pam have 'powers' of a sort, and they're not evil).

The season finale would have to be some kind of climactic bang that left both heaven and hell wary of tangling with the Winchesters - and humanity - again for a while.

If my skill set were up to it, I might attempt to write it myself, but meh, too complicated for me. I'd like to see the show try to pull something like that off, though.


tv: supernatural, the boy/boy melodrama

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