i ain't no hero

Sep 20, 2008 23:22

My niece and nephew came over and we had a nice family game of May I, which possibly was one of the most intense games I've played. We started out this time with four decks of cards instead of the usual two (we always have to add at least one more for the last hand anyway), so you'd think it would have been easier, but no. It's like, you KNOW there ( Read more... )

meta, life, on feedback, fannishness

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withdiamonds September 21 2008, 07:35:27 UTC
Feedback is such a loaded subject to talk about publicly. But I'm happy when people do, because then I remember that I'm not the only one who gets weird and freaks out about it. I hate to ask for it and I hate to mention when I don't get any, or a lot, because I feel like I should just suck it up and pretend I'm fine with whatever I get. Writing in SPN has been nice because even though I'm fairly new and there are a million people writing SPN, I've gotten more feedback here than I've been used to. That's because I came from popslash and there's not a lot of us left over there to comment on fic. :)

I probably put more importance on *who* comments on my stuff than on how many comments I get. And while I didn't exactly freak out over my Big Bang feedback, and was more than excited to get three pages, because that's never, ever happened to me before, I put my heart and soul into that story and seeing people with up to ten and eleven pages of comments was a bit daunting. Even though I was at the end of the posting schedule and pretty much unknown, which means three pages was awesome, there was part of me that said, darn, I wish there had been more, or there were some people whom I wish had commented. So, in short, even when it's awesome it's possible to be weird about it. You are not alone, and you're not alone wondering why it's weird to talk about it.


musesfool September 21 2008, 15:45:15 UTC
Feedback is such a loaded subject to talk about publicly. But I'm happy when people do, because then I remember that I'm not the only one who gets weird and freaks out about it. I hate to ask for it and I hate to mention when I don't get any, or a lot, because I feel like I should just suck it up and pretend I'm fine with whatever I get.

this is exactly why I posted. We're not alone! And I get that it is unattractive to whine about it in public, as if one is entitled to feedback, but it is also a real disappointment when you think you've really been firing on all cylinders and have a great story and nobody notices.

even when it's awesome it's possible to be weird about it. You are not alone, and you're not alone wondering why it's weird to talk about i

Yes. This.


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