you burn my heart like a flickering torch

Jul 30, 2008 14:28

The cable guy came at about 12:45 and was done by about 1:05, so I am all hooked up again. Thank god.

Oh, cable internet, never leave me again.



So now that I've redecorated my LJ, I feel like maybe I should change my default icon. Now, I know some of you change default icons like most people change their underwear, but I have had wet!Xander as my default since, like, three months into this whole LJ adventure, which means it's been about six years. Sometimes even I am surprised I don't look like Xander. *snerk*

But I have been thinking that maybe a change would do me good. I don't know! I am change-averse!

So I ask you, oh wise masses of LJ, what do you think?

Poll can you picture that?


Recs update!

unfitforsociety has been updated with 36 recs for July 2008:

+ 14 Supernatural
+ 7 Iron Man
+ 4 crossovers
+ 2 BtVS/Angel
+ 2 Harry Potter
+ 1 each Narnia, Sandman, Friday Night Lights, Homicide: Life on the Street, Battlestar Galactica, The Dark Knight, and Sarah Connor Chronicles

I was exceptionally amused that "Detachable Penis" came on while I was doing the Supernatural set. *snerk* I think every post about SPN (and SPN fandom) should be titled "gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains."

I feel like I didn't read that much this month. It's been a weird month, really - new boss, new hours (necessitating new sleep schedule), LJ blocked at work, etc. I didn't write much this month either. Sigh. I do really like how my spn_summergen turned out, though. I just have to do whatever revising the beta requires. And pick a summary.

Maybe now I will watch more Bones and answer comments. Or write. Or go for a pedicure. Hmm...


technology is not my friend, redecorating, polls, recs updates

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