what's with the quotey fingers?

May 01, 2008 22:31

A long time ago, back the first time I mentioned the sekrit incest baby story, bexone said, I will bake you the cookies of your choice if you write that. FOR SERIOUS.

It only took me thirteen months, but I finally posted Full Disclosure.

Today, when I got home, there was a box waiting for me. I couldn't read who it was from, and I was like, "did I do some drunken online shopping I don't remember?"

But no! It was full of cookies! from bexone!

(er, just to be clear, the cookies are made of chocolate chips, not sekrit incest babies, 'cause that'd be gross and wrong.)

♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥


The Rangers are still alive! Woo! \o/


Supernatural: Long Distance Call


This was like a hit of pure season 2 emoporn. It hurts my heart when Sam and Dean are fighting, and oh, Dean's desire to believe, and them fighting about his willingness to believe in John, and Sam is hurting because he's not finding a way to save Dean and Dean is hurting because he's scared and he knows Sam is trying hard and it's not working. Oh, boys. And how much he wants to hear from John, "other people are hearing from their loved ones. Why can't we?" *sniffle* Oh, Dean. And then fake!John tells him he loves him. *sniffle* Oh, my heart.

And seriously, Sam is STILL keeping secrets about Mary from Dean, so I think maybe he shouldn't be all accusatory there.

I am still trying to decide if emotionally this works at this point in the timeline or if it would have made more sense earlier. I guess it's playing up Dean's fear and desperation as they run out of time and options, and both of them are fraying. Sigh. The fight over Dean waiting for the call... *sniff*

Okay, the treatment of Stewie, given the show's past history on race, is a big huge OH JOHN RINGO NO moment, but I LOVED authoritative!Dean. *swoons* "When my partner tells you to run the number, you run the number."

And bustyasianbeauties.com is back! *dies* Dean has a platinum membership, which means he's paying for the porn. Well, he's not, the credit card company is eating the identify theft debt, but I bet Sam insisted after the free porn sites loaded the laptop with malware.

Sam is AWESOME with the girl, even after she's all disdainful of his rental car and his cheap suit. Oh Sammy, how are you so awesome?

I actually found this episode suspenseful and sad, if a little heavy-handed with the "people are connected but they're so alone" bit. Part of me wanted there to be some connection to the mytharc or to Mary's story, but since I've been missing the MOTW type eps, I can't complain. I guess the thing was able to make people hear whatever they wanted to hear?

The look that passing girl gives Dean when he says necrophilia is hilarious. There were a few funny moments amid the heartbreak. The spirit phone! The tour guide! Hee! "My ass is too sweet to let out of sight." Yes, Dean, yes it is.

And then that final conversation. *sniffle* "Do you want a poem?" And then the peace beer offering after the heart-to-heart.

Oh, Sam. Oh, Dean. Oh, boys. Oh, my heart.


Oh, and harriet_spy reminded me I left one awesome vid idea off the list: the Sam-and-Dean-as-70s-cops vid to Superstition by Stevie Wonder. how cool would that be? Someone should totally do that.


that sam-i-am, sekrit incest baby, flove, tv: supernatural: episode-related, oh dean, you should totally write that

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