a librarian turned thief

Apr 22, 2008 10:05

So the chick in the cube next to me just said (not to me) what I typed in my subject line. Was there some awesome news story I missed? Or is there going to be a show? because how would that not be hot? Librarians by day, cat burglars by night! There is no way that's not awesome!

I'm just saying.


I have two words about last night's Bones: milk mustache... eeeee! SO ADORKABLE! I mean, I enjoyed the other forty minutes of the episode, but that last conversation between Booth and Brennan, and then the MILK MUSTACHE, just made me very happy.

Possibly that was more than two words. Um. Oops?


Wow, you guys, I'm more than halfway to my fundraising goal already. Thank you so much! And seriously, whatever you can give will be most appreciated.


The Trouble with Openings

is they unclose you, your body
become an invitation to pillage.
You let a man burgle your organs
then feed him before he flees
out the window, down the fire escape.
You say, Come back anytime, I'll be in.
I've been deflead, my shots are up to date.
Then he's gone and you're left
with only all your wide-open empties
which spread, and burrow through your walls,
and admit so much.

~Courtney Queeney


national poetry month 2008, tv: bones

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