I am pretty much replicating the post I made last year on this subject, since not much has changed.
Okay, you know I don't talk about real life stuff here much, but this is important.
As longtime readers of this journal may know, around this time five years ago, my sister was diagnosed with a relapsing-remitting course of multiple sclerosis.
While this is the... "easiest" course of MS to come down with, it's still a pretty craptacular disease, as anyone who knows anything about it can tell you. It still means injections (daily in her case), fatigue, sensitivity to heat, and the long-term shadow of exacerbations cropping up any time, anywhere, along with the possibility that it someday could become primary or secondary progressive, either of which are much harder to live with than relapsing-remitting.
Multiple sclerosis (MS) usually strikes adults (mostly women) between the ages of 20 and 50. It is a chronic disease of the central nervous system affecting the brain and spinal cord. One new case of MS is diagnosed every hour. It comes and goes unpredictably and currently, there is no cure.
I know money is tight for everyone, but the first rule of fundraising is, if you don't ask, you don't get. So, I'm asking. Shame? What's that?
May 4 is the NMSS's Long Island Chapter MS Walk, and once again, I am walking as part of my sister's team. (Well, except for the part where I, as Gimpy McGimperson, am not actually walking this year, but the team is, and by team I mean, the family, and I am a member of the team, even if I am currently on injured reserve.)
If anybody wants to sponsor me and pony up some cash to help fund research into discovering causes, treatments and maybe someday, a cure, go
here - it's my participant page, where you can donate money online, via credit card (I believe they do in fact accept international donations). If you would prefer to send a check (made out to the National MS Society, of course), drop me a comment. I'll respond in a screened comment with my mailing address. Every little bit helps.
Even if you're not interested in sponsoring me, check out your local chapter and maybe walk yourself.
Look, I worked in non-profit VHAs for ten years, and I know all the crap that goes on with them, and I did work for NMSS for two years (i.e., the job that gave me an ulcer), and I can tell you that they're working hard, both to support people with MS, and toward finding treatments and cures. Research is, of course, key, and while the government is fairly generous to MS research, it's not enough. It's NEVER enough. (for any disease, but focus, 'cause I'm talking MS now.)
So, like I said, the MS Walk is on May 4 and I'm trying to raise some money, so gimme a shout if you're interested in sponsoring me. A dollar, five, ten, fifty - it's all good, whatever you can. The last time I did this (last year), you guys helped me raise about $500 (I don't have the figure to hand atm), and I'm hoping we can do it again.
my donations page is here. I appreciate it, my sister appreciates it, my whole family appreciates it, as does everyone else who has or knows someone who has MS.