take me to your followers

Mar 27, 2008 00:23

Tonight I met up with the lovely and talented dotfic, innie_darling, tenaciousmetoo, and fryadvocate at the Flea Theatre so we could see Gaius Charles in Lower Ninth. Also starring the dude from NYPD Blue and Chris Partlow from The Wire. I liked it, though I thought the writing was a little overwrought; the acting was fantastic. And wow, Gaius Charles looks really young. It's a cool theatre, very small and intimate.

Then we went to Bubby's for dinner, which was most excellent, even if the service was quite... leisurely. I had fried chicken and hush puppies (mmm...hush puppies) and really good key lime pie (PIE!) for dessert.

And of course, there was much fangirl chatter, about shows, books, music, work, and Winchesters. It was awesome.

Now, I must go to bed.



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