she kept her motor clean

Mar 26, 2008 17:07

I was hoping to have fic to post today, but since I just sent it off to beta, it doesn't look like that will be happening. I'd also hoped to be done with the sekrit incest baby fic today, but since I got distracted, that's not happening either. I am up to the reunionating porn, though, which is making me happy.

I've also been thinking about the not-sekrit incest baby story, and I'm not sure I can finagle that. Because it requires a lot more maneuvering and lying, and I enjoy telling myself the story on my commute (mostly I enjoy Dean being all pleased with himself over his apparent virility, and how much he really wants a kid, despite being completely freaked out when he's thinking more clearly), but writing it requires me to not ignore all those pesky details like what would they tell Bobby and Ellen, and when would Sam stop hunting and where would they live and how would they continue to hunt once there was actually a baby etc. Because I really don't like stories where they give up hunting altogether. They make me sad.

Possibly I will think about this some more this evening when I get on the subway.

At some point, I need to write some sex that is non-incestuous, just to remember how that goes.


Thanks for the lovely comments on the story I (re)posted yesterday. I didn't expect that, honestly, since it was a repost, but I guess posting a pointer to the comms helps with that.

The hidden talents prompt was hard for me, since I've already written sekrit-knitter!Dean and origami!Dean (okay, technically it's paper plane maker extraordinaire!Dean, but that takes a lot longer to type), and even sekrit healing powers!Sammy, and it was hard coming up with something new and interesting. but I'm glad people enjoyed kite-flying/tree-climbing!Dean. I know I did.

I am just sad nobody wrote sekrit ballroom dancing!Bobby and Ellen. Someone should totally write that, where Bobby and Ellen meet up on the dl and drive to ballroom dance competitions and dance the hell out of the tango and the rhumba and the foxtrot. You know it would be awesome!


sekrit incest baby, writing: my stories, you should totally write that

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