Thank you all so much for the lovely comments and birthday wishes! I really appreciate it. I adore you lots and lots, and my life would be a lot poorer without all y'all in it.
I went to dinner with my parents, and then my brother and sister and their families came over here to have cake, and there was the usual family hilarity out on the patio, and some tasty ice cream cake and it was good.
Booty, swag, and plunder:
oxoniensis wrote gorgeous, joyful girl!Sam/Dean:
buried in the skin dotfic wrote wistful, achy Dean/Hailey:
Someday, Maybe innie_darling wrote lovely and insightful Sam/Jess:
Alla Prima teand wrote fabulous, sly Dean/Cordelia:
Overheated ileliberte drew an amazing portrait of
Dean as Destruction and Sam as Dream to go with
That what you fear the most could meet you halfway.
amberlynne made me amazing
Dean/girl!Sam manips (because of the trouble I'm having with LJ, I am linking to the gallery - the first seven are Amber's work; the last two are just random pics of Katee Sackhoff where she looks like girl!Sam to me)
Thanks also to
midnitemaraud_r and
macteague for the lovely birthday pressies in my userinfo!
And I posted fic as my mathom to you lot:
The Love There That's SleepingHarry Potter; Sirius/Remus; pg-13; 4,460 words
Remus looked like he had a secret, and Sirius desperately wanted to know.
A story that was over three years in the making, featuring nervous, pining Sirius, oblivious (or is he?) Remus, and the Beatles.
Thanks for the lovely feedback, and I will get to answering it soon.
Unrelated to my birthday:
Dean Winchester is a Hufflepuff who thinks he's a Gryffindor, and Sam Winchester is a Slytherin who thinks he's a Ravenclaw. Discuss.. And then
ignipes said there should be fic about it, with which I can only agree. And then
ignipes actually
wrote it. ♥ ♥ ♥