it was twenty years ago today...

Jun 01, 2007 11:59

Actually, it was forty years ago today that Sergeant Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band was released. Apparently, for those of you in the New York City area, Q104 will be playing it in its entirety this afternoon (probably for the noon Beatles block). I realized this morning that though I own it on cassette, I never replaced it on CD. Huh.

Anyway. Seminal album, yada yada, you don't need me to tell you all that, so I won't.


I basically rolled my eyes a lot at the whole FanLib thing, but seemag tackles it from a marketing perspective, which is really interesting, because yeah, I think they just did what companies usually do, and did not at all expect the angry, derisive response they received, because their (minimal and incomplete) research didn't really take LJ fandom into account. Interesting post.


So I deleted all my interests the other night in irritation with LJ/6A, and have added back only 12, and will probably keep it that way now, instead of listing all my pairings and fandoms and favorite authors and bands, as I had previously done.

What's left?

* are my interests illegal?


* canadians hate jensen ackles

this is an unshared interest, but that's okay, because it amuses me tremendously. There's a whole story that goes with it, but I don't write RPF, so it will never be told. Suffice it to say, it features Sandra Oh as an assassin sent to kill Jensen Ackles after he unintentionally insults Callum Keith Rennie by being sullen, and hot Sandra Oh/Jensen Ackles sexin'. Among other things.

* freedom of speech



again, unshared, but of great personal amusement. I thought about jeremy goodwin wins at life, or dan rydell doer of wonderful deeds or having a sports night renaissance, but I decided to stick with the tried and true. And also, it amuses me.

* girl!sam

shut up. I wasn't about to list sekrit incest babies, so this will have to do. And it gets Sam some representation, though probably not the kind he'd prefer.

* greg grunberg: zombie wrangler

because The Grunberg is AWESOME.

* grilled cheese sandwiches

mmm...tasty... I don't care what Pembleton says.

* oh dean!

I will never cease to be amused and amazed at the response to my two word post of "Oh, Dean!" last summer, after my first viewing of "Something Wicked." I've had stories that have gotten (way) fewer comments than that two word post.

And really, it is such an all-purpose phrase.

* pie = love

it is a truth universally acknowledged.

* the boy/boy melodrama

because I ::heart:: Sam and Dean, and also that the writers call their emoporn this.

* the cake of love

this came out of an email conversation with luzdeestrellas, in which I said that while I like Wincest, I don't need them to be having sex (and I certainly don't want them to be mushy and romantic about it if they are), that the textual and canonical love between Sam and Dean is so overwhelmingly present that sex is often just the icing on the cake of LOVE!

I was perhaps working on too few hours of sleep and a really bad Tick impression.

But, say it with me now, it amuses me. So it got added.

* the scary poky stick

My claim to fame in fandom.

As you can see, my main aim in adding back interests was "it amuses me to list it," not "I like [X]" or "I support and/or condone [X]" (though in certain cases I certainly do), and they are of almost no use to anyone who might stumble across my LJ and want to know what the hell I'm on about, but I'm feeling less inclined towards explaining that these days. Also, I might add Clooney for President, but I haven't decided yet.


canadians hate jensen ackles, links, genghis khan could bring it on, music, the boy/boy melodrama, fannishness

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