i told one lie. i had one drink.

May 16, 2007 09:49

One of my favorite BtVS scenes ever:

Buffy: I told one lie. I had one drink.

Giles: Yes, and you were very nearly devoured by a giant demon snake. The words 'let that be a lesson' are a tad redundant at this juncture.
(Reptile Boy)

Last night, fleurdeleo and I went to dinner, and I had one beer, and um, I basically went to bed at 11 last night, because I was so wiped. Dinner was good, though.

Before I did that, though, I read Demian's recap of AHBL1, and for what is possibly the first time ever where TWOP recaps are involved, I actually laughed out loud. It was the Wham! reference that did me in. And I mean full-on giggling with hand clapping.

And am I crazy, or are we down to 36 hours until the second part of the finale? For which I am not and do not want to be spoiled. My squee is a mighty thing, though it has to be all quiet and internal here at work, which makes me all jittery. Or possibly that's the coffee (it's supposed to be decaf, but whatev).


So the "Gilmore Girls" finale was satisfying? I was watching the Mets take a pounding instead, but I might take a gander at it if I can find it online if people say it's worth it and won't make me want to stab my eyes out the way last season did.

"Gilmore Girls" was my comfort show, the show I knew I could turn on and no matter what, it would make me happy. It made me laugh, it occasionally made me cry, it made me squee, and there wasn't anyone on it I hated (well, except maybe Taylor, but he was supposed to be annoying, and I never enjoyed Kirk that much), and then they ruined it. And lo, my anger was great. Because my love was great - it wasn't the same kind of heavy fannish investment where I talked about it endlessly and wrote fic about it and thought about it all the time, but it was the kind of love you have for your very favorite things, and when they ruined it, it was like my beloved teddy bear had turned into a snake. While the transformation was happening, I was all, "it's still my beloved teddy bear, I can still love it as a snake," but then it turned around and bit me, and that was the end of that.

And wow, man, that is one freaking ridiculous metaphor, and yet it totally explains how I feel.

I am, perhaps, still smarting from the second half of last season.

My new comfort show is "Bones," which is a whole different vibe, but it still gives me an hour with characters I enjoy a lot, and it's not the cases I watch for, but the characters and their relationships, and I am not nearly as invested as I was in "Gilmore Girls," so hopefully it won't ever end badly. Tonight looks like it should be awesome.



doitillegally: a ficathon for heist movies. Prompt claiming is open here. Ocean's Eleven! The Thomas Crowne Affair! The Italian Job! Hot thieves in love! Disguises! Getaway cars! The long con! You know you want to!

spn_harlequin: There's no info up yet, but SPN stories based on romance novel prompts! My not-so-sekrit shame: when estrella30 floated the idea, my first reaction was, "Can I make Sam a girl?" and she said, "sure!" And um, I may have already plotted the whole thing out in my head. *cough* Hopefully there's a prompt that fits it, because it is AWESOME and HISTORICAL (complete with almost no historical accuracy) and RIDICULOUS and I kind of love it a lot, and if I don't write it for this challenge, I will probably never write it, and that would make me sad (I'm sure you all would sigh with relief, but you are probably not that lucky).

summer_of_ats: The Summer of Angel is a fandom project to re-watch Angel: the Series from start to finish, with discussion and fic challenges. They started last week, but you can hop on at any time.

And this isn't new, but there is a similar community for "Homicide: Life on the Street" at homicidereruns. I believe they're at "Justice Part 1" right now (which means that my question about the grilled cheese sandwiches was pretty well-timed. Heh.). If you've never seen HLotS before, you probably want to start at the beginning, because the first three seasons are pretty much made of awesome (and seasons one and two are very short) and contain some of the best television ever made ("Three Men and Adena" and "Crosetti"), and my personal favorite episode, "Night of the Dead Living." Homicide is fantastic television through its first five seasons (seasons 6 and 7 have isolated pockets of greatness, but are sadly lesser overall), and people who are fans of serialized fiction should watch it, because it is made of WIN on many levels.


Lastly, the MJ kerfuffle (um, see also here and here) has made the NY Post: Bloggers are scorching their keyboards, claiming that a statuette of Mary Jane, based on artist Adam Hughes' notion of a fantasy femme, is an eyeful of outrage.

(DD: You're famouser! "Devildoll" wrote on the site LiveJournal, "Okay, people. It's been six days and 750 comments and I'm not going to try to keep up anymore.

If you're here to comment about how much you dislike it, I agree with you and I thank you for commenting." )

I think that's kind of awesome, actually.


tv: hlots, pimping, tv: gilmore girls, tv: bones, links, just a typical prototype

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