Why does my porn keep developing plot? What is that about? I do not approve. Too much time that could be spent having sex is being spent talking about ghosts or having angst or other non-sex-like things. And it's not just one story. It's almost all of them (some of them were like that to begin with; the way I'm going, those will spontaneously develop porn). When did this happen to me? I feel like I've grown, and I was not anticipating growing in that direction. For serious.
I have 1500 words of story for Sam's birthday tomorrow, and I am not sure even another 1500 will be enough to wrap this thing up.
I am kind of sad I didn't rename "The Boys of Summer" "Chicks Dig the Long Ball" but I feel that would have given me away too easily (not that the story didn't anyway), and also that I was unable to include one of my all-time favorite baseball jokes, which
amberlynne agrees with me that Dean would love and tell at every opportunity, to Sam's eyerolling disdain and repeating chorus of "It was funny the first time, Dean. When I was five." I must find a way to work it into another story. I, at least, will get a giggle out of it. *is twelve at heart*
I'm sure I will repeat the above paragraph practically verbatim when I do the commentary on that story. I apologize in advance, except I really don't. Like Dean, I think I'm adorable.
So, and this is almost embarrassing, I tried watching Dark Angel last week, and, um, it was so bad. I mean, I knew it wasn't very good going in, but I couldn't even make it through an episode. Not even Jensen being all, "I go after what I want. [beat] I want you." to some chick in a bar could keep me watching. This got a second season from Fox, but Firefly got canned after fourteen episodes? Seriously?
So at lunch today I went to a different deli than usual, and I asked for a decaf iced coffee, and the girl was like, "We don't have decaf iced coffee." I was tempted to do my patented, "Do you have decaf? Do you have ice?" routine, but I decided it wasn't worth it and walked out.
Yes, yes, I know, they double-brew the iced coffee and keep it chilled or whatever. What. Ever. She just saved me a buck fifty.
I've had this window open since 3:20, and work keeps interrupting me. Bah. I am going to post and then try to sneak a little writing in while it's quiet.