after the flood all the colors came out

Mar 04, 2007 22:27

In case y'all didn't get the memo, barkley is awesome. And so are you.

I Love You Fandom, a big pink line of a valentine by barkley, after the fannish happenings of this weekend.

♥ ♥ ♥


In other news, I do not know how people post works in progress - I've just gone back to three different sections in this story and added stuff that will be important later on (we'll ignore the fact that this story *has* a 'later on', which is not something my stories often had before I started writing SPN, but I'm 6K words into this and there's probably another 2K more before I'm done. Goddamn plot.), and I write linearly, I just don't always know exactly what's going to happen, so I have to be able to go back and add stuff in when I realize I'm going to need it and I haven't already laid the groundwork (or when the thing I've laid the groundwork for suddenly mutates).

Also, I've noticed that things I may toss into a story as gracenotes or throwaway lines sometimes later become motifs or important points in later stories. I still think I'm going to write a story about Sam finally getting keys to the Impala - it was such a toss off at the end of "your ocean refuses no river," an important moment that sort of rushed by in wrapping up that particular story.

I guess this is one place ideas come from, and I like doing it - even though the stories aren't related, I like having things pop up from time to time that will be familiar to someone who's read my other stories (e.g., Sirius's zippo). And sometimes, some things just make sense to me, so they become part of my personal fanon (e.g., Rogue's tights), and will appear in my stories because of that.


I was going to do that "I'll throw out some titles and you tell me what the story should be about" meme, but I looked at my list of future titles and started feeling very protective, which is odd, because a number of them have, I'm sure, been used as titles by many other people.


I suppose I can do a few. I give you a few titles from my list. You give me a brief sketch of what the story is about:

Kissing the Damned

Suicidal in the Morning

Because It Is Bitter, and Because It Is My Heart


Pride and Joy and Dirty Dreams

They Blew the Lights at Heaven's Gate

Begging's Not My Business

Them Downtown Boys Sure Talk Pretty


flove, memes, writing: on titles & summaries, links, memes: writing

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