six feet of hardcore awesome

Feb 22, 2007 10:42

Buckle up for random:

* I am sad that there is not a lot of FNL squee on my flist. I wish more people were watching this show. It has something for everyone - sweet, awkward fumbly teenagers (Matt/Julie); laconic, fucked-up lost boys with daddy and brother issues (Riggins); one of the hottest and coolest married couples ever to grace the screen (Eric and Tami Taylor); and six feet of hardcore awesome* (Tyra; see icon). Plus, Smash and Mama Smash, Landry in his interactions with everyone, boys bonding over football and sex, secret lesbians in politics, and once, it even made me feel sorry for head cheerleader and girl-who-has-everything Lyla. All that *and* Kyle Chandler's hair.

* I may actually write an SPN/FNL crossover where Sam and Dean see Tyra and freak the fuck out. While I'm sure it's been done, I still think it'd be hella fun (and hurty) to write, so. It's on my list. Along with many other things I'll probably never get to.

* This morning, I seriously considered attending a seminar on financing eldercare for future reference (and then I decided that I really wasn't ready to face that and deleted the email). Being an adult sucks. I don't know why we're in such a rush to get there when we're kids. I'm feeling a little raw and vulnerable this week, as it was a year ago my father had his stroke, and I got the news yesterday that my sister-in-law has pneumonia, and gah. Just. No.

* In happier, entertainment-based news, not only is Addison getting her own spin-off (Satan's Whore makes good! Woo!), but apparently Taye Diggs is going to co-star. OMG HOTNESS! *flails*

* Why are people who are normally good about cut-tagging pics and quizzes and stuff SO BAD at cut-tagging YouTube embeds? They should be behind a cut-tag as well, folks. Come on! Stop messing up my flist!

* Speaking of hot pics, I keep trying to clean out my email, and I keep finding links to things like this. And then I have to stop and take a moment, because how are they so hot? No, really, I mean, seriously. How? It's unnatural.

* The epilogue to this story is kicking my ass. I've never written an epilogue, and I feel like I'm swimming in exposition the reader will already know, in order to compress twelve episodes of canon into one page so I can get to the porn. I'm not sure why I feel this is different from writing the rest of the story, except that the rest of the story is all pre-series, and so intersects directly with canon only at the very end, whereas the epilogue is set very firmly within the canon timeline. And the whole point of an epilogue is that you skip time, so I shouldn't have to rehash those bits, but I can't figure out how to get where I want to be without them. 'Tis a puzzlement...

* Which brings me to my next point, which is, how the fuck is there no transcript online for "Asylum"? What is that about, people? That's just wrong! And also, I need to know how many times Sam actually pulled the trigger there, if anyone can tell me, as I am at work and obviously cannot watch the episode atm.

* I am seriously considering writing the sekrit!baby girl!Sam story. God help us all. I don't know. Maybe I'll just do snippets and post them and pretend it's not really happening. I've never done that before, but obviously this fandom makes me do things (genderswap! novella! plotty gen!) I've never done before**, and I kind of still can't stop thinking about it.

* I think that's it. I'm gonna go back to answering comments and writing this epilogue, I mean, working, and waiting for people to get back to me on the story proper. *sigh*

*as described by someone on friendsfriends

**the list of things I haven't written is very short - I've never done apocafic, RPF, torture, wingfic, and various kinks I'm not interested in (mpreg, bestiality, BDSM, bloodplay, cross-dressing, breathplay, necro, scat), oh, and pegging, but I plan to remedy that one eventually; I have done incest, polyfic, deathfic, hookerfic, junkie fic, crazy crossovers, cross-gen, cross-species, rape, miscarriage, adultery, unhappy endings, AUs, Elseworlds, um... anything I'm missing?

writing: neuroses, tv: friday night lights, tv: miscellaneous, sometimes i scare myself, links, the boy/boy melodrama, fannishness

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