mama, they try and break me

Feb 06, 2007 22:15

Veronica Mars

Dick owned this episode. He is a vile human being, and yet he makes me laugh. I feel dirty, and not in the fun way, either.

I like that Weevil is around, but where the hell is Wallace? I miss Wallace more than I can possibly say.

So Nish was telling the truth and Mrs. O'Dell was lying. I don't trust her at all.

Which ... I am not even going to touch the mystery this week. Veronica ought to know better than to make a reveal like that with the father and the friend in the room, but that's beside the point. The fact that it was the roommate (which I figured, because Tim has to stick around for the Dean O'Dell case at least) -- I just. What? I have no words. I want to know when Rob Thomas conceived his hate-on for women. If it was just a one-time thing, it wouldn't bother me so much, but this whole season has been bad in this regard and it grates.

I love Veronica and Keith, but the show is really starting to irritate me in terms of how it portrays women and I... I want my show back.


Okay, winter, you can leave now. I don't love you, and I wish you'd never arrived.


tv: vmars

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