mama, put my guns in the ground

Jan 29, 2007 15:54

Opening Words
~Denise Levertov

I believe the earth
exists, and
in each minim mote
of its dust the holy
glow of thy candle.
unknown I know,
thou spirit,
lover of making, of the
wrought letter,
wrought flower,
iron, deed, dream.
Dust of the earth,
help thou my
unbelief. Drift
gray become gold, in the beam of
vision. I believe with
doubt. I doubt and
interrupt my doubt with belief. Be,
beloved, threatened world.
Each minim
Not the poisonous
luminescence forced
out of its privacy,
The sacred lock of its cell
broken. No,
the ordinary glow
of common dust in ancient sunlight.
Be, that I may believe. Amen.


So last night I wrote what may possibly the funniest line I've ever written, or, perhaps, the line that made me laugh even harder than, "Am I the fairy or the ass?" or Jayne's assertion of continence.

Oh, Dean, never, ever stop cheapening the moment.

Also, I thought the depths of my shamelessness had been plumbed, but no, I've found a lower place, thanks to fleurdeleo, who ought to know better than to say, "I'm surprised you didn't do [this]" to me when she knows damn well my answer is probably going to be, "Dude! I'd have done it already if I'd thought of it, so thanks!" and luzdeestrellas, who tries to deny all responsibility for encouraging me and yet I think it's fairly obvious that without her influence, I'd still be writing moody vignettes that did not in any way feature Sam Winchester as a girl.

I don't know if the original girl!Sam AU will ever get finished, since the second one took over my brain, but I am certainly going to amuse myself by writing various bits and pieces of it *cough*the porny parts*cough* as they occur.


It's so lovely to see people pimping out the Remix as I scroll down my flist. Well, lovely and utterly terrifying, to be completely honest. I love and fear you all, with fear outracing love by a bit at the moment.


I may at some point pull my brain together enough to post some thoughts about "Nightshifter," but just in case I don't, coffeeandink does here, and vaznetti does here, with good stuff in the comments on both.


poetry, links, genghis khan could bring it on, the boy/boy melodrama

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