Well, there's nothing I won't do, but some things are gonna cost you extra.

Jan 13, 2007 19:33

So I've got the Colts-Ravens game on, and I'm kind of torn about who to root for. I don't have the hate for Peyton that a lot of people do, and I kinda like Steve McNair, though I generally don't like the Ravens, but... all I think when I look at them is that technically, it's the Baltimore Colts v. the Cleveland Browns, and they're both carpetbaggers and that rubs me wrong. The Colts more than the Ravens, 'cause of the whole packing up and leaving in the middle of the night thing, but even so, the whole mobile franchise thing just sits wrong with me. Maybe I can feel that way because I'm fairly certain none of my teams are going to move - the Giants moving to the Meadowlands notwithstanding, because they're still considered the New York Giants even if they play in Jersey. But teams ought to stay in the towns where they're from. I wish I could find the Homicide quote about that. I feel it was Lewis who said it, but I can't put my finger - or my brain - on it now.

Meanwhile, this game is taking place almost all in the middle of the field, with offenses who can't get the job done. It's almost like watching the Giants.

Ooh, the Colts are gonna kick. And it is good!



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