PROMPTS // 012.

Jun 19, 2012 01:52

And because we lagged this week on getting prompts up, a two-sets-for-one-deal!

( 1 ) Muse prompt (500+ words, first or third person)
"I'm delirious. Are you serious? What goes on in your head, I'm just curious."
- Love You Anyway by Boyzone (Lyrics)

( 2 ) RP prompt (RP on your muse journal with another character(s), link the scene here)
You're in trouble and desperately need help. Call for help, and see who comes to your rescue.

( 3 ) Drabble prompt (100-300 words, first or third person)
Slow dance

( 4 ) Ten Things (List)
Ten guilty pleasures

( 5 ) Misc/Random
Pick one word that starts with each letter of the alphabet, and then write a single sentence for each word including that word. All 26 sentences don't need to be connected in anyway, although if you're up for more of a challenge, they can be. This is a shout-out to the old much-loved community, musebysentence, which will be re-activating in the near future.

( 6 ) Canon prompt (OOC)
Write about a vice (or vices) that your character just cannot quit. Why do they have them, and why won't they quit them? What would happen if they had to go without them?

! prompts

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