Jun 19, 2012 01:43
The theme for this prompt set is THE PAST.
( 1 ) Muse prompt (500+ words, first or third person)
"I made a stupid mistake and my world crashed down all around me."
- Stupid Mistake by Darren Hayes (Lyrics)
( 2 ) RP prompt (RP on your muse journal with another character(s), link the scene here)
Bump into an old face from the past you have spoken to in a long time.
( 3 ) Drabble prompt (100-300 words, first or third person)
( 4 ) Ten Things (List)
Ten things in your past that make you who you are today
( 5 ) Misc/Random
Back to the Future. Write an AU/dream fic for your character whereby they get a little Marty McFly up in things and go either back in time 20 years to live temporarily in their parents' lives, or go forward 20 years to the future to see where their own lives might end up.
( 6 ) Canon prompt (OOC)
Write about a person from your character's earlier life. What were they like, how did they impact on your character, what made them memorable and have so much of an impact on your character? This can be in third or first person, in either a narrative style or scene. Anything goes.
! prompts