My plans for the day included going to the farmers market and then our neighborhood health food store for non produce items. It is always a disaster to go these places hungry so I decided to make something for lunch before I ventured out. Wouldn't you know it . . . we didn't have anything really to eat. No potatoes, no tomatoes, no salad fixings, no bread, not even any tofu! So, when this happens, the pasta that always looms in the cabinet makes its way into boiling water. I almost always have garlic and olive oil, so I made a "raw" sauce that contained olive oil, crushed garlic (the hot pasta kinda cooks it so it isn't too strong), dried oregano, sea salt and ground up pine nuts from the freezer. I sprinkled the top with nutritional yeast, which is fast becoming my favorite condiment since it kinda taste like parmesan cheese. It would have been nice to have some grilled veggies and/or fresh herbs to throw in but alas, that is why I had to go to farmers market!
Not the prettiest dish, but it cured my hunger and deflected potential glutenous purchases at the markets!