Tis the Season!

Dec 01, 2010 11:51

Your Muse: Kristen Claus (and I'm sure hastwoholidays as well)
Muse wanted: Their other sister, Santa, Mrs. Clause, Elves, Rudolph...basically any character associated with Christmas mythology.
Community: sixwordstories
Fandom: Christmas!!! And it's surrounding mythology/folklore.
Canon: Can a holiday have a canon?
Book, Movie, Game, Other: All of the above
PB: Whoever
Contact via: Comments are fine

So this whole insanity started last year after I had OD-ed on candy cane Hershey kisses and ELF and it was awesome, so I thought why not bring it back this year. There is so much you can do with the whole operations of the North Pole and yeah...

[panfandom], [legend/folklore]

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