I came across this older article based on photos. Ye know, where the picture says a thousand words and all that?
What happens to some women who are stars in some countries The story itself didn't interest me so much as the comments that were left beneath it. Some made my eye twitch, especially those referencing to the woman's weight. I left my own comment with a touch of smugness and couldn't help wonder if any of those pubescent noobs to life will ever get over their rose tinted glasses into how the world really works, or will they truly expect life to be handed to them as they want it all the time without consequence.
Seriously, sometimes I get worked up over the stupidest of things.
She isn't fat at all. She's buxom, just like Marilyn Monroe was and has a rounded face with huge eyes. Like most males who like their women to NOT snap at a touch, this gives them something to hold (not a reference directly to the pictures, but ye know) And she's a size 14 to 16 (Australian sizes) tops.
The fact she isn't what western society sees on the front of magazines everyday makes us assume that anything over anorexic or petite must be fat, even though this is a gross over-assumption and those girls on magazines are photoshopped and makeupped to look as non-natural as possible. I can't be attracted to this woman due to the attitude I get from her, but I can definitely be attracted to her body and my boyfriend would also agree, as would many male friends of mine. She would look smashing in a corset with those holy tracks of land and she is so lucky to have such amazing facial features that strike out like that.
Fat? If this is fat, every single girl that needs the bone and muscle mass to carry a D cup MUST be obese. Oh my, all those porn stars, too much boob. Must be fat.
Get a grip on reality people.
(my two cents)