Thoughts: I Have Them

Jul 15, 2011 13:00

Saw DH:Pt2 last night with liebedance!

Overall, I came out really enjoying the movie. I felt like it was a proper end for the story line that was established throughout these eight films. Most of the movie was handled beautifully, and the complaints I have are sorta small.

Sadly, I was anticipating the tears, and I had none. So onto the lists:

Things That Were Fabulous (Or At Least Alright)

+ Every character really got their shining moment, and I'm so happy about this.
+ The action scenes were very well handled for the most part.
+ THE FOREST AGAIN!! Pardon me while I pick up the pieces of my broken heart.
+ Lily. That is all.
+ Neville, you are the one, true badass.
+ King's Cross--albeit different--was still well rendered. Dumbledore was amazing.
+ Ron and Hermione kiss! Actually, just all the little Ron/Hermione moments.
+ I felt the movie really emphasized the power of a mother's love that shows up in the narrative. Narcissa was amazing, Molly about killed me in the Fred scene, and Lily, well see point 4.
+ THE SOUNDTRACK. I wasn't sure how I felt about a lot of the music when I heard clips of it, but it weaved in so beautifully with the movie.
+ I actually understood the wandlore better in the movie than I did when I first read the books. The clarity on this subject is so important, so I'm glad they did it well.
+ Can we talk about McGonagall being a HBIC? Because, yes.

Erm....wait, what?

+ The part where you never see the falling out of Snape and Lily. Seriously, that is such an important couple of scenes, and without it, Lily looks like a cold bitch for picking James and James...well, James never gets his redemption. ..Not that I was expecting it, but I had some hope.
+ Snape showing up at Godric's Hollow, not to mention him cradling the body of his life-long obsession. A little creepy, especially since her son is screaming in the cot right behind him and he's just ignoring him.
+ Snape's memories passed on to Harry through tears? Come on now. That's a level of cheesiness I would expect from Twilight, not Harry Potter.
+ That awkward moment when Voldemort hugged Draco. What the fuck was that?
+ You know what, Voldemort in general was just kinda...not working for me in several places. Too much loling from that man.
+ Oh, how about we talk about how Harry breaks the Elder Wand without repairing his own wand first! This made no freaking sense. I don't even see why this change was necessary from the books.
+ So Steve Kloves also ships Neville/Luna? Because that was random and not very cool.
+ There were a lot of humorous moments in this movie, and I felt like it lightened the overall mood of the work. I'm not sure I'm okay with that.
+ You know, I never expected anyone could do a worse job on the Remus/Tonks relationship than JKR herself. Until I saw this movie... Honestly, if you're not going to even address this subplot beyond a few awkward lines, don't put it in!!
+ Where the fuck was the promised Oliver Wood in the trailer?! Why wasn't he in every scene ever? You know, just chilling with Bill, looking fine and being hexed with a shirt repelling charm.
+ Some scenes were rushed. Most specifically, the first thirty minutes and the Bellatrix/Molly duel.

I know that sounds like a lot of cons and that they outweigh the pros, but I really did enjoy myself. It's just easier to talk about what you didn't like rather than what you did.

I definitely love the movies for the interpretation that they bring to the series. Some stuff will always get left out (and unfortunately that stuff mostly has to do with the Marauders and backstory in general), but if you can appreciate them as a separate entity from the books, I think you definitely find more enjoyment in them.

I'm looking forward to Pottermore now. Getting back to the books and learning all sorts of new things to inspire all sorts of new fanworks! I hope that fandom doesn't start dwinding now that the final movie is out, and I imagine it won't too much since it's still going strong four years after the final book. I know that I'm certainly not going to be cutting back on my writing. :) If anything, I feel more inspired than ever, both to write and to reread the series!

good times, harry potter, things that are fabulous, you say obsession like it's a bad thing

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