Pics of Friend's Visit

Jun 09, 2005 10:31

I haven't been around here much because
my friend has been visiting from out of town.
We've been having many all-day adventures-
hikes through the woods, flea marketing, yard
saling...etc... We've also discovered some of
the local East Indian grocery stores!!! Love it!
We've been renting Bollywood movies for $1.
a piece and eating spicy Indian food. Hee...hee!
-Lisa. :-)
For some pics of my recent travels/ adventures-

Wild Onions We found growing at Peace Valley Lake

Canadian Geese and their cute little babies- so sweet!!! :-)

We've been getting a lot of rain and one day- there was a full double rainbow! I managed to capture a segment of it before it dissapeared.

Flea Marketing at Perkiomenville on Memorial Day. Wait until you see what I bought that day! ;-)

Beautiful purple Chinese Eggplant!!! Sooooo yummy...especially on homemade mini pizza or in a stir-fry! Cooks super fast too- because the skin is so thin.

fruit & veggies, photos, farmers market, nature, food, summer, flea market

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