
Mar 15, 2005 00:50

I'm really paying for the days that I took off from painting. I have to work...I mean paint...overtime and then some, in order to catch up. Last night, I stayed up until 1am, painting. This morning, I rolled out of bed at 6am and painted for several hours before breakfast. (Getting up early = Very unusual behavior for me...) I've actually been feeling very good lately. Taking a few days off was good for me. I now have a lot of energy to attack those layers of texture and paint. I even fit a trip to Allentown to buy more supplies into my schedule today. (while layers of paint were drying...) I'm painting 3 paintings at one time. If  I had more space, I would paint 5-7 at a time. (1=12 canvases...do the math.) Yes, I am insane and fully immersed in my art.
Have to get back to the paint. I think one of my layers is dry. ;-)
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